Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
27056 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3)
The study of the entrepreneurial process from conception to birth of a new venture. This includes attributes of successful entrepreneurs, opportunity recognition, innovation, venture screening, risk assessment, risk tolerance, identification of resources and business planning to learn how to turn opportunities into a viable business. Prerequisite: none.
27065 Entrepreneurial Experience I (3)
First of a two-course sequence designed to immerse entrepreneurship majors into the dynamics of starting and running a micro-business. Focuses on identifying market needs, researching financial viability of business venture to meet that need, and marshalling the resources to launch a business. Prerequisites: BUS 10123 and ENTR 27056.
27075 Entrepreneurial Experience II (2)
Continuation of Entrepreneurial Experience I; focuses on growing and running the micro-business throughout the academic year with planned liquidation or shutdown by the end of the academic year. Prerequisites: BUS 10123 and ENTR 27056 and 27065.
27466 Speaker Series in Entrepreneurship (1)
Explores entrepreneurship based upon the experiences of a broad range of entrepreneurs. During the semester, at least six entrepreneurs will share their paths in establishing a successful enterprise, including some of the obstacles and missteps they made along the way. Corequisite: ENTR 27056.
37045 Sales in the Entrepreneurial Venture (3)
Selling and the management of the sales force in the entrepreneurial environment. Special focus is given to enhancing students’ selling skills and background in developing an effective sales force for an entrepreneurial organization. Prerequisites: MKTG 25010 and ENTR 27075 and entrepreneurship (ENTR) major.
37065 Entrepreneurial Finance (3)
Introduces students to issues related to capital formation in, and the financial management of, new or young ventures. Students are introduced to sources of capital. The majority of the course focuses on how to identify and substantiate capital requirements, manage cash flow and grow appropriately in a capital-constrained environment. Prerequisites: FIN 36053 and entrepreneurship (ENTR) major.
37075 Entrepreneurial Marketing (3)
Application of marketing concepts to entrepreneurial situations. Emphasis is given to market segmentation and analysis, product and service positioning and market-oriented firm development. Prerequisites: MKTG 25010 and ENTR 27075 and entrepreneurship (ENTR) major.
37192 Practicum in Entrepreneurship (1-3)
(Repeatable up to 3 credit hours). Supervised work in an entrepreneurially-oriented organization to obtain experience in operating a small or entrepreneurial firm. Prerequisites: ENTR 27075.
37195 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship I (3)
Special topics course offered on an irregular basis; different topics and faculty involved each time the course is offered. Prerequisite: ENTR 27056.
47065 New Venture Creation (3)
The process of formulating, planning and implementing a new venture. Students apply the skills learned in the functional areas toward the goal of starting a business. Exposure to detailed description of “how to” embark on a new venture in a logical manner. Prerequisites: ENTR 37065 and 37075 and entrepreneurship (ENTR) major. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
47091 Seminar in Entrepreneurship (3)
Current topics in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship majors will not receive credit for this course--open only to entrepreneurship minors. Prerequisites: ENTR 27056 and MKTG 25010 and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50. Not open to entrepreneurship (ENTR) majors. Corequisite: FIN 36053.
47195 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship II (3)
Special topics course offered on an irregular basis; different topics and faculty involved each time the course is offered. Prerequisite: ENTR 27056.
47292 Entrepreneurial Internship (1-3)
(Repeatable up to 3 credit hours). Preparation of research report concurrent with on-the-job experience with cooperating business or other organization. Prerequisites: ACCT 23021 and ENTR 27075 and MKTG 25010; and entrepreneurship (ENTR) major .