Early Childhood Education Technology (ECET)**
Early Childhood Education Technology (ECET)**
21005 Partnerships in Child Guidance (3)
The course foundation is the understanding that children are a part of a family, culture and community. Students gain knowledge and skills to implement developmentally appropriate child guidance strategies and learn cross-cultural communication skills. 12 field experience hours required. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: ECED 10120 and ECED 20163.
21010 Infant/Toddler Curriculum and Services (3)
Infant/toddler development, environments and curriculum; theoretical perspectives; family involvement; community involvement; community resources, collaboration and advocacy, 38 hours of field experience required. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: ECED 10120 and 20163.
21095 Special Topics in Early Childhood Education Technology (1-3)*
Intensive study of significant current issues in the early childhood education field. Prerequisite: departmental special approval.
21096 Individual Investigation in Early Childhood Education Technology (1-3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Analysis and special research in the early childhood education field. Prerequisite: departmental special approval.
22000 Preschool Curriculum (3)
Preschoolers’ development, environments and curriculum; theoretical perspectives; family involvement; community resources, collaboration and advocacy. 38 hours of field experience required. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: ECET 21010 and ECED 20163.
22130 Emerging Literacy (3)
Theoretical and practical issues in acquisition and development of literacy. Developmentally appropriate instructional practices, integration across the curriculum, individual differences and assessment are addressed. Field hours required. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: ECED 10120 and 20163.
22140 Student Teaching Seminar (3)
A reflective approach to make student teaching experience more valuable. Students develop and implement developmentally appropriate curriculum and assessment for young children, prepare a professional development plan and develop a professional portfolio. Corequisites: ECET 22150; departmental special approval.
22150 Student Teaching (6)
Student will spend 300 hours at an approved preschool program under the supervision of an ECET/ECED faculty member. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Corequisites: ECET 22140; departmental special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.