Early Childhood Education (ECED)
10120 Introduction to Early Childhood Services (2)
Orientation to the field of early childhood education: historical and present-day programs and services for young children ages 0-8. Prerequisite: none.
20163 Understanding Young Children: Typical and Atypical Pathways (3)
Growth and development of young children from birth to age 8 as it occurs along both typical and atypical pathways. Corequisites: ECED 30134 and 30147 and 30164 and SPED 23000 and admission to advanced study.
30123 Language and Literacy for the Preschool Child (3)
An examination of the process of language and literacy development in preschool children. The course focuses on how preschool teachers integrate knowledge of development with early school and family literacy learning. Corequisites: ECED 30142 and 40145 and 40165 and 40192 and admission to advanced study.
30134 Integrated Expressive Arts and Social Studies in Preschool (3)
Young children’s development in the expressive arts and social studies; implications for development of the environment, integrated curriculum and teaching methods for preschool children. Corequisites: ECED 20163 and 30147 and 30164 and SPED 23000 and admission to advanced study. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
30142 Partnerships and Guidance for Preschool Children (3)
Appropriate guidance strategies set the foundation for positive experiences our youngest children in school; patterns learned early often set a foundation for primary school entry. This course addresses the concerns of guidance, family partnerships and inclusive schooling with preschool children and their educators. It takes a proactive stance helping teachers develop a constructive guidance approach. Corequisite: ECED 30123 and 40145 and 40165 and 40192 and admission to advanced study.
30144 Integrated Curriculum for Social Studies (3)
Objectives, resources, curriculum development, methods of teaching social studies and expressive arts at kindergarten and primary levels; emphasis on developing integrated social studies curriculum; infusing multiple forms of expressive arts into integrated curriculum and assessment; and engaging professional collaboration with teachers in the field. Prerequisites: ECED 30134 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 40114 and 40126 and 40127 and 40128 and 40147.
30147 Early Experiences in Mathematics and Science (3)
Instructional psychology and materials for effective teaching of mathematics and science in preschool settings with a theoretical emphasis on cognitive development. Prerequisite: minimum C (2.0) in MATH 14001 and 14002 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 20163 and 30134 and 30164 and SPED 23000. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
30164 Preschool Education (3)
Integrated curriculum utilizing principles of developmentally appropriate practice in settings for children under age 5. Field experience two mornings a week. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Corequisites: ECED 20163 and 30134 and 30147 and SPED 23000 and admission to advanced study.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Early Childhood Education (1-5)
Topics of special interest to students desiring to intensify their knowledge in particular areas. Presenters include Kent State early childhood faculty members and may include experts from outside agencies and other institutions. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
40105 Appropriate Phonics Instruction for Kindergarten and Primary Children (3)
An examination of phonics in early reading and writing development, effective strategies for teaching and assessing phonics appropriate for kindergarten and primary grade children. Corequisites: ECED 40107 and 40142 and 40151 and EDPF 29535 and admission to advanced study.
40107 Teaching Mathematics: Early Years I (3)
Instructional psychology and materials for effective teaching of mathematics in grades K-1 with a theoretical emphasis on cognitive development. Prerequisites: ECED 30147 and MATH 14001 and 14002 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 40105 and 40142 and 40151 and EDPF 29535.
40114 Teaching Science in the Early Years (3)
This course investigates engaging young children in inquiry-based processes of science. Emphasis is given to creating developmentally appropriate experiences in accordance to NAEYC guidelines. National and state science standards, as well as the college and graduate school of education conceptual framework. Attention is focused on the use of science materials, safety, planning, assessment and incorporating science across the curriculum. Prerequisite: ECED 30147 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 30144 and 40126 and 40127 and 40128 and 40147. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
40125 Inquiry into Professional Practice (3)
Interdisciplinary inquiry into teaching as a professional practice in ECED; emphasis on teacher as researcher. Utilization of teaching/learning technologies. Prerequisite: admission to advanced study.
40126 Developmental Reading and Writing: Early Years (3)
This course builds on work begun in ECED 40105. It explores how teachers support primary children’s literacy development through small group strategic instruction based on formative assessments. Pre-service teachers will also learn how to implement a process approach to writing instruction. Prerequisite: ECED 40105 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 40127 and 30144 and 40114 and 40147. Course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
40127 Developing a Balanced Literacy Program (3)
This course expands on the previous three literacy courses to explore how research-based instruction requires a balance of literacy learning formats, an integration with learning in the content areas and is based on assessment of individual children’s reading and writing abilities. Prerequisite: ECED 40105 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 40126 and 30144 and 40114 and 40128.
40128 Integrated Field Experiences (3)
Participation in experiences offering opportunity to plan and teach reading, language arts, integrated content units and observe students in early childhood classrooms. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Corequisites: ECED 30144 and 40114 and 40126 and 40127 and 40147 and admission to advanced study.
40142 Home-School-Community-Partnerships in Diverse Contexts (3)
Approaches to parent and community involvement in the education and welfare of children are examined, applied and discussed. Focuses are theories, policies, practices, skills and knowledge of partnership building in educational settings. An emphasis on differentiation of practices for diverse communities is applied to teaching and learning in the primary grades. Prerequisites: advanced study and special approval.
40145 Music and Rhythms in Pre-primary Education (3)
Music and rhythms for pre-primary children. Optional course intended for majors in early childhood education or other persons desiring additional work with pre-primary children. Corequisites: ECED 30123 and 30142 and 40165 and 40192 and admission to advanced study.
40146 Teaching with Microcomputers: Early Years (3)
Developing competency in teaching with microcomputers in pre-kindergarten through grade three. Includes lab experience in computerized lessons and programming in Logo. Prerequisite: ITEC 47427 and admission to advanced study.
40147 Teaching Mathematics: Early Years II (3)
Instructional psychology and materials for effective teaching of mathematics in grades K-3 with a theoretical emphasis on cognitive development. Prerequisites: C (2.0) or better in MATH 14001 and 14002 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 30144 and 40114 and 40126 and 40127 and 40128. Special fee: $10 flat fee—subject to change.
40151 Guidance of Young Children (3)
Principles and practices of appropriate guidance for young children, intervention strategies, resources and materials for guidance. Corequisites: ECED 40105 and 40107 and 40142 and EDPF 29535 and admission to advanced study.
40165 Integrated Application of Preschool Curriculum (3)
Internship in preschool. Advanced integrated preschool curriculum utilizing principles of developmentally appropriate practice focusing on infant, toddler and preschool-age children. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Prerequisites: ECED 30164 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 30123 and 30142 and 40145 and 40192.
40192 Internship in Preschool (6-12)
Internship in preschool settings, full day for 16 weeks. S/U grading. Prerequisite: ECED 30164 and admission to advanced study. Corequisites: ECED 30123 and 30142 and 40145 and 40165.
40196 Individual Investigation in Early Childhood Education (1-5)
Open to seniors in ECED. Intensive individual study on an early childhood topic selected by student and advisor. Prerequisite: special approval and admission to advanced study.
40292 Internship in Kindergarten/Primary (6-12)
Internship in grades K-3, full day for 16 weeks. S/U grading. Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Corequisite: ECED 40125 and admission to advanced study.