Computer Technology (COMT)**
Computer Technology (COMT)**
11000 Introduction to Computer Systems (3)
Covers the basic concepts and use of computer systems, including hardware, personal productivity software, Internet usage and file management. Prerequisite: none.
11002 Visual Basic Programming (3)
Laboratory course in the visual basic net language introducing concepts of object-oriented, event driven program design and implementation. Prerequisite: Compass Algebra test score of at least 41 or Compass Pre-algebra test score of at least 61.
11003 Selected Programming Languages (2-4)*
Lab course covering a selected programming language. Data types, control structures, data representation, testing, debugging, unique features of language. Repeated registration permitted for different languages. Prerequisite: COMT 11002 or 21001.
11004 Survey of Information Technology (3)
This overview course will provide an introduction to information technologies, career paths and professional certifications available. Prerequisite: none.
11005 Introduction to Operating Systems and Networking Technology (3)
(Cross-listed with ITAP 16605) Lab-oriented survey of desktop/network OS essentials including file/disk management, system tools utilization, resource sharing and introductory network concepts. Prerequisite: none.
11006 Introduction to Web Site Technology (3)
Focuses on web site technologies including.cfm. Students learn the history of the Internet and effective search techniques. Prerequisite: none.
11009 Computer Assembly and Configuration (4)
Lab course covering disk operating system function and features; hardware/software installation procedures; file and directories management; system configuration/optimization; backup procedures. Prerequisite: COMT 11005 or COMT faculty special approval.
12000 Personal Productivity Software (3)
Covers the concepts and integration of computer applications. Emphasis on software suites, specifically word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database and presentation applications. Prerequisite: none.
20001 C++ Programming (3)
Laboratory course using C++ introducing concepts of software development, object-oriented/event driven programming, testing and debugging, simple and complex data types, language syntax and semantics. Prerequisite: Compass Algebra test score of at least 41 or Compass Pre-algebra test score of at least 61.
20011 Java Programming (3)
Laboratory course using Java introducing concepts of software development, object-oriented/event-driven programming, testing and debugging, simple and complex data types, language syntax and semantics. Prerequisite: minimum 51 Compass Algebra test score.
21002 Network Setup and Configuration (4)
Lab course introducing networking in LAN and WAN environments. Topics include network protocol, configuration, operation, setup, installation, administration, management and security. Pre/corequisite: COMT 11009 or COMT faculty special approval.
21005 Visual Basic Database Programming (4)
Advanced lab course in the visual basic language focusing on database systems development. Prerequisite: COMT 11002.
21006 Assembly Language Programming (3)
A course in Assembly Language Programming with applications in software development and an introduction to hardware interfacing to input/output devices. Prerequisite: COMT 11002 or 20001.
21007 Internet Ethics and Policies (3)
This course will cover the ethics, issues and policies regarding the Internet. It includes discussion/ research on intellectual property/freedom, hacking, pornography, privacy, etc. Prerequisite: none.
21008 Computer Methods in Science and Engineering (3)
Use of computers in problems related to science and engineering. Course will include introduction to elements of a high-level scientific language. Prerequisites: MATH 12001 and 19001.
21009 Seminar in Computer Technology (3)
Capstone course for COMT students encompassing critical reading, writing and discussion applying the current theories of computer technologies to on-the-job experiences. Students will develop a portfolio to confirm their level of knowledge. Prerequisite: COMT 11002 and 11005 and 11006 and 11009 and 21002 and 21010.
21010 Workgroup Productivity Software (3)
Research project-oriented course emphasizing workgroup methodologies for group project management, problem definition, data retrieval and analysis, conclusions and recommendations. Prerequisite: COMT 12000; or ITAP 16639 and 26611.
21011 Techniques of Multimedia Web Design (3)
This lab-oriented course will focus on developing and managing effective Web sites using multimedia elements including sound and video. Prerequisite: COMT 11006 or COMT faculty special approval.
21036 Web Scripting I (3)
This course will focus on both client-side and server-side scripting needed to create interactive and dynamic Web sites. The use of scripting in context with various technologies will be explored. Prerequisites: COMT 11002 and COMT 11006, or COMT faculty special approval.
21092 Computer Practicum (2)
(Cross-listed with MATH 21092) Supervised work experience in a computer installation. S/U grading. Prerequisite: COMT 11009.
21095 Special Topics in Computer Technology (1-4)*
Topics announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval.
21096 Individual Investigation in Computer Technology (1-4)*
Individual study in computer field. Open to computer technology majors. Prerequisite: special approval.
21100 Local Area Network Troubleshooting (3)
Lab course covering local area network troubleshooting techniques. Topics will include identifying the scope of the problem, systematic troubleshooting approaches, problem resolution and ongoing maintenance. Prerequisite: COMT 21002.
21110 Internetworking (3)
Lab course introducing Internetworking concepts. Topics will include networking standards, cabling, TCP/IP, router configuration, LAN and WAN segments and other related topics. Prerequisites: COMT 21002 or full-time COMT faculty special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.