Chemistry (CHEM)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Because of the substantial overlap in course content, credit will not be accepted for a mixture of courses from two or more of the following series: CHEM 10050, 10052, 10053; CHEM 10054; CHEM 10060, 10061, 10062, 10063; CHEM 10960, 10961. Credit will not be granted for both the physical science 11660-11661 series and any of the beginning chemistry series listed above.
10030 Chemistry in Our World (3)
A course for nonscience majors which utilizes environmental and consumer topics to introduce chemical principles and develop critical thinking skills. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10031 Chemistry in Our World Laboratory (1)
Discovery-based experiments to introduce chemical principals and develop critical thinking skills. A course for nonscience majors; includes chemistry that is related to environmental and consumer issues. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 10030. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10050 Fundamentals of Chemistry (3)
Basic concepts of chemistry (including atomic structure, chemical bonding and reactions) necessary for courses in elementary organic chemistry and physiological chemistry. Prerequisite: ACT Math score of 16; or MATH 10006 or 10007 or 10022 or 10023 or 10024 or 11009 or 11012 or 12001 or 12002 or 12011 or 12021. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10052 Introduction to Organic Chemistry (2)
Chemistry of organic and biological molecules necessary for the study of physiological chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 10050 or 10060. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10053 Inorganic and Organic Laboratory (1)
Lab with experiments covering material from CHEM 10050, 10052 and 10054. Corequisite: CHEM 10052. Prerequisite: CHEM 10050 or 10054. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10054 General and Elementary Organic Chemistry (5)
A course covering the basic concepts of general, inorganic and organic chemistry necessary for the study of physiological chemistry. Prerequisite: ACT Math score of 16; or MATH 10006 or 10007 or 10022 or 10023 or 10024 or 11009 or 11012 or 12001 or 12002 or 12011 or 12021. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10060 General Chemistry I (4)
Chemistry for science majors, emphasizing stoichiometry, introduction to chemical reactions, thermochemistry, atomic structure, periodicity, molecular structure and chemical bonding. Prerequisite: ACT math score of 18 or MATH 11009 or 11012 or 12001 or 12002 or 12011 or 12021.
10061 General Chemistry II (4)
Continuation of CHEM 10060, emphasizing intermolecular forces, properties of mixtures, main group chemistry, kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base chemistry, thermodynamics and electrochemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 10060.
10062 General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
Lab covering pertinent aspects of CHEM 10060. Three hours weekly. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 10060. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
10063 General Chemistry II Laboratory (1)
Lab covering pertinent aspects of CHEM 10061, including qualitative analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 10062 and pre/corequisite: CHEM 10061. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
10960 Honors General Chemistry (5)
Rigorous general chemistry course for qualified students. Stoichiometry, equilibrium, thermodynamics, kinetics, bonding and structure. Four-hours lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
10961 Honors General Chemistry (5)
A continuation of CHEM 10960. Prerequisite: CHEM 10960. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
16001 Horticultural Chemistry (4)**
This course is designed to give a general overview of basic chemical concepts to students pursuing the two-year degree in horticulture technology. Three-hour lecture and three-hour lab weekly. Offered only at the Salem Campus. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
20095 Special Topics (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Selected topics in chemistry. Prerequisite: special approval.
20098 Introduction to Chemical Research (1-3)*
Research experience for freshmen and sophomores. Registration requires prior approval of the research director. Does not count toward the electives for BS or BA chemistry degree. A written report is required. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: 2.50 GPA in chemistry (CHEM) and special approval.
20111 Elementary Quantitative Analysis (4)
Theory and application of volumetric analysis; acid-base, gravimetric, complexation, redox; spectroscopic, electroanalytical and chromatographic methods of analyses. For nonmajors. Prerequisites: CHEM 10063 or 10053 and special approval.
20112 Elementary Quantitative Laboratory (2)
Lab practice of methods discussed in 20111. Six-hour lab weekly. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 20111. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
20284 Physiological Chemistry (4)
Chemistry and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins; regulation of metabolism, nature of enzyme action, clinical aspects of biochemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 10052 or 10054 or 20481.
20285 Physiological Chemistry Lab (1)
Experiments to illustrate basic biochemical techniques, structure and metabolism. Three-hour lab weekly. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 20284. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
20481 Basic Organic Chemistry I (4)
Survey of the structure, preparation and reactions (including mechanisms) of organic compounds, emphasizing the chemistry of biologically important functional groups. Prerequisite: CHEM 10061 or 10961.
20482 Basic Organic Chemistry II (2)
Continuation of CHEM 20481, emphasizing the chemistry of functional groups prevalent in biological chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 20481 or 30481.
30050 Introduction to Materials Chemistry (2)
This course provides an introduction to materials and their applications. It serves as the initiation for the materials chemistry concentration. Prerequisites: CHEM 10061 or 10961; and CHEM 30481 and PHY 23101.
30105 Analytical Chemistry I (3)
Covers the fundamental theory, experimental methods, and applications of analytical chemistry principles in chemistry as well as other related
disciplines such as life sciences and environmental science. It covers analytical measurements, experimental error, statistics, chemical
equilibrium and titration, spectrometry as well as analytical separation techniques. Prerequisites: CHEM 10061.
30106 Analytical Chemistry II (2)
Covers the theoretical basis and experimental methods of analytical chemistry not considered in Analytical Chemistry I (CHEM 30105), such as noise reduction, advanced chemical equilibria and titrations, electrochemistry, atomic spectroscopy, instrumental design and sample preparation. Prerequisites: CHEM 30105.
30107 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
Fundamental laboratory class for analytical chemistry. Provides hands-on experience to students on the subjects including data treatment, volumetric analysis, spectrophotometry, separation techniques and mass spectroscopy. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 10063 and 30105. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
30108 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory II (2)
Advanced analytical chemistry laboratory class which covers a broad range of modern analytical techniques, including ion-selective electrodes, voltammetry, atomic spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoreseis. Unlike Analytical Chemistry Laboratory I (CHEM 30107) this class focuses on forensic rather than bioanalytical applications Prerequisite: CHEM 30105. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 30107. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
30284 Introductory Biological Chemistry (4)
Chemistry and metabolism of biochemically important compounds; nature of enzyme action; metabolic regulation and bioenergetics. Prerequisite: CHEM 20481 or 30481.
30285 Biochemistry Laboratory (1)
Experiments on the isolation, purification and characterization of biologically important molecules; recombinant DNA technology. Prerequisite: CHEM 10063. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 30284 or 40245 or 40247. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
30301 Inorganic Chemistry I (2)
Chemistry of hydrogen, ions in aqueous solution, redox reactions, coordination complexes: d-block chemistry, crystal field model, electronic spectra and magnetism, introduction to organometallic chemistry, periodic trends for p-block elements. Prerequisite: CHEM 10061.
30475 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
Practical experience in organic lab techniques on both micro- and macroscale: physical methods for purification and characterization of organic compounds, introduction to organic reactions. Prerequisite: CHEM 10063. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 20481 or 30481. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
30476 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)
Continuation of CHEM 30475, involving multistep organic experiments that utilize techniques introduced in CHEM 30475. Prerequisite: CHEM 30475. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 20482 or 30482. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
30481 Organic Chemistry I (3)
Introduction to organic chemistry from structural, mechanistic and synthetic viewpoints, with an emphasis on the chemistry of biologically relevant functional groups. Prerequisite: CHEM 10061 or 10961.
30482 Organic Chemistry II (3)
Continuation of CHEM 30481; organic chemistry from mechanistic and synthetic viewpoints; IR and NMR spectroscopy; mass spectrometry. Prerequisite: CHEM 30481.
40053 Materials Chemistry Laboratory (2)
Exploration of the synthesis, characterization and application of inorganic and organic materials. Prerequisite: CHEM 30050. Special fee: $40 flat fee—subject to change.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Chemistry (3-6)
S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
40099 Senior Honors Thesis (1-10)
For departmental honors, may be started summer prior to senior year. Register each semester during senior year. Minimum total credit—5 hours. IP grade until completion. Prerequisite: departmental and Honors College approval.
40112 Advanced Analytical Chemistry (2)
Advanced study of the theory and applications of analytical methods to the study of chemical equilibria: acid-base, precipitation, complexation and redox methods. Prerequisite: CHEM 40555.
40113 Chemical Separations (3)
Theory, instrumentation and applications of chemical separations for chemical analysis with an emphasis on gas and liquid chromatography. Prerequisite: CHEM 30106.
40114 Electroanalytical Chemistry (3)
The physical basis of electrochemistry; instrumentation and applications in chemical analysis. Polarography, coulometry, voltametry and ion- selective electrodes. Prerequisite: CHEM 40555.
40195 Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Selected topics in analytical chemistry. Prerequisite: special approval.
40245 Biochemical Foundations of Medicine (4)
Chemistry and metabolism of biologically important compounds; enzyme catalysis; metabolic regulation, inborn and induced errors of metabolism. For students in integrated life science program. Prerequisites: CHEM 30481. Pre/corequisite: CHEM 30482.
40247 Principles of Biochemistry (4)
Chemistry and metabolism of biologically important compounds, enzymology, metabolic regulation and bioenergetics. Prerequisites: CHEM 20481 or 30481; and CHEM 40555 or 40567.
40248 Advanced Biological Chemistry (3)
Chemistry of biologically important molecules. Advanced topics in: metabolic and enzyme regulation; enzyme kinetics and mechanism; DNA replication, recombination and repair; gene transcription and translation; recombinant DNA technology; selected areas in molecular physiology. Three hours weekly. Prerequisite: CHEM 30284 or 40245 or 40247.
40251 Advanced Biological Chemistry Laboratory (2)
Practical experience in the chemistry of biologically important molecules. Properties of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Recombinant DNA technology. Six hours weekly. Prerequisite: CHEM 30284 or 40245 or 40247. Special fee: $120 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
40263 Physical Biochemistry I (3)
Principles and techniques of physical chemistry used in studying biomacromolecules and biological systems, spectroscopy, structure and properties of biological molecules. Prerequisite: CHEM 40555.
40295 Special Topics in Biochemistry (1-3)
Selected topics in biochemistry. Prerequisite: special approval.
40302 Inorganic Chemistry II(2)
Physical techniques in inorganic chemistry, molecular structure and bonding, metallic and ionic solids, organometallic chemistry,
homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis; solid-state and materials chemistry, nanomaterials, nanoscience and nanotechnology. Prerequisite: CHEM 30301.
40303 Inorganic Chemistry III(2)
Molecular symmetry, molecular orbital theory of polyatomic molecules and octahedral complexes, electronic spectra and reaction
mechanisms of d-block complexes, periodic trends Groups 1 and 2 and d-block, bioinorganic chemistry Prerequisite: CHEM 40302.
40352 Inorganic Materials Chemistry (3)
Broad survey of the synthesis, properties, characterization and applications of inorganic materials. Prerequisites: CHEM 30050.
40364 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
A laboratory course providing experience in the synthesis of significant inorganic compounds and the techniques of various experimental and spectorscopic methods and chromatographic separations. Prerequisite: CHEM 40303. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
40365 Biological Inorganic Chemistry (3)
Physical methods, s-block metals, metal ion-induced folding, electron transfer proteins, oxidoreductases, substrate binding and activation by non-redox mechanisms, biomineralization, group-atom transfer and metals in medicine. Prerequisite: CHEM 30301.
40395 Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (1-3)
Selected topics in inorganic chemistry. Prerequisite: special approval.
40451 Organic Materials Chemistry (3)
Broad survey of the synthesis, properties, characterization and applications of organic and polymeric materials. Prerequisites: CHEM 30482 and 30050.
40476 Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds (2)
Strategies for structural elucidation of organic compounds from analysis of infrared, proton and carbon NMR, and mass spectrometric data through lectures and problem solving. Prerequisite: CHEM 30482.
40477 Intermediate Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
Continuation of CHEM 30476, including hands-on use of a high-field NMR spectrometer; single and multistep organic syntheses. Prerequisite: CHEM 30476. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
40478 Synthesis of Organic Liquid Crystals (3)
Synthesis of organic thermotropic liquid crystals including nematic, smectic and discotic variants. Evaluation of the phase types using polarizing microscopy and DSC. Brief introduction into their use in display devices. Prerequisite: CHEM 30482.
40483 Intermediate Organic Chemistry (1)
Continuation of CHEM 30482. Organic chemistry from mechanistic and synthetic viewpoints. Prerequisites: CHEM 30481 and 30482.
40495 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (1-3)
Selected topics in organic chemistry. Prerequisite: special approval.
40555 Elementary Physical Chemistry (3)
Fundamental concepts of physical chemistry, with example problems chosen emphasizing applications in chemistry and the biological sciences. Prerequisites: PHY 23102 and MATH 22005 and CHEM 10061; and chemistry (CHEM) major and junior standing. Pre- or corequisite: CHEM 30107.
40556 Elementary Physical Chemistry (3)
A continuation of CHEM 40555. Areas covered include quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular structure, spectroscopy, statistical mechanics, theories of reaction rates and the solid state. Prerequisite: CHEM 40555 or PHY 45301.
40557 Physical Chemistry Lab (2)
Experiments in numerous areas of physical chemistry, including the interpretation and reporting of obtained experimental data, correlation of results with theory and an introduction to the computer treatment of data. Prerequisite: CHEM 40556. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
40567 Basic Concepts of Physical Chemistry (4)
Traditional aspects of physical chemistry with minimal calculus treatment. Applications to the health sciences emphasized. Cannot be used to satisfy requirements for chemistry concentration within the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 10062 and PHY 13002 and MATH 12002.
40568 Elementary Physical Chemistry Laboratory (1)
Provides hands-on experience with calorimetry, viscosimetry and spectroscopic techniques. Prerequisite: CHEM 40555 or 40567. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
40570 Intermediate Physical Chemistry (2)
Special topics of physical chemistry, with applications to problems of chemical interest that are not covered in basic course. Two-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisite: CHEM 40556.
40571 Surface Chemistry (2)
Treatment of basic principles and concepts in surface and colloid chemistry. Relationship to practical systems emphasized. Two-hour lecture weekly. Prerequisite: CHEM 40555 or 40567.
40575 Molecular Spectroscopy (3)
Survey of the fundamental principles of the interactions of radiation with matter, with an emphasis on the interpretation of microwave, infrared and ultraviolet-visible spectra. Introduction to group theory and its application to spectroscopic interpretation. Description of modern experimental techniques. Prerequisite: CHEM 40556.
40583 Physical Chemistry of Macro-molecules (2)
Designed to cover the basic principles of polymer science. Structure, properties and characterization of polymeric systems will be discussed. Two hours lecture weekly. Prerequisite: CHEM 40555 or 40567.
40595 Special Topics in Physical Chemistry (1-3)
Selected topics in physical chemistry. Prerequisite: special approval.
40795 Current Topics in Chemical Education (1-3)
Recent advances in chemical research, instrumentation and theory important to chemical educators. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
40796 Individual Investigation (1-8)
Registration requires prior approval of the research director. Written report required. Maximum of 2 hours may be applied to the 4-credit-hour CHEM 40000 elective requirement for the chemistry concentration within the B.S. in chemistry. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 2.50 GPA in chemistry and special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.