Center for Applied Conflict Management (CACM)
Center for Applied Conflict Management (CACM)
11001 Introduction to Conflict Management (3)
Introduces key elements of conflict management theory and practice such as communication, collaborative problem solving, negotiation, mediation and nonviolent conflict intervention. Includes conflict communication skills development. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirement.
21002 Gender, Power and Conflict (3)
Course examines power imbalances in interpersonal relationships and the violence that often results and considers some of the ways these power imbalances are developed, focusing particularly on gender. Prerequisite: CACM 11001.
21010 Cross-Cultural Conflict Management (3)
This course examines cultural and gender-based components of conflict in diverse settings with special emphasis on conflict escalation and de-escalation, power disparity and conflict resolution techniques. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
22020 International Conflict Resolution (3)
Provides a wide view of the main theories on causes, expressions and consequences of international conflicts, and explores differing mechanisms for their prevention, resolution and management. Students are familiarized with how and why international conflicts appear and progress and learn recent developments on early warning methods, negotiation techniques and peacekeeping and peacebuilding practices. Conflicts covered include international and civil wars as well as topics such as international terrorism. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
25095 Special Topics (3)*
An in-depth examination of conflict management applications in various professional areas. This course is of particular value to students who plan to work in a specific field and require knowledge of conflict management skills. Prerequisite: CACM 11001.
31003 Nonviolence: Theory and Practice (3)
Examines the nature of violence and nonviolence on various structural levels and in different contexts. Prerequisite: none.
31010 Conflict Theory (3)
Explores theoretical models of conflict and addresses cultural dimensions of conflict, gender and conflict and the functions of power in conflict. Prerequisite: CACM 11001.
32020 Strategic Planning (3)
Course provides training in strategic planning, including assessing the current environment, developing goals and objectives and establishing a timeline for action. Prerequisite: junior standing.
33030 Conflict in the Workplace (3)
Explores the causes, impact and dynamics of conflict in the workplace. Issues explored include personality conflict, incivility, ethics, teams, management styles, diversity, legal issues, alternative dispute resolution, union environments and workplace violence. Prerequisite: CACM 11001.
34040 Negotiation (3)
Explores the dynamics of negotiation occurring in different contexts from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Prerequisite: CACM 11001.
35050 Environmental Conflict Resolution (3)
Examines alternative dispute resolution principles applicable to public sector disputes, especially environmental and land use disputes. Prerequisite: none.
35092 Internship in Conflict Management (3-12)
(Repeatable for a total of 12 hours) Students work as interns with an organization, group or business, utilizing and enhancing their skills in conflict management. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and two upper-division CACM courses.
35095 Special Topics in Conflict Management (3)
(Repeated registration permitted) Designed to provide an in-depth examination of topics and issues of interest to faculty and students. Specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes and on the Center for Applied Conflict Management’s website. Prerequisite: none.
36096 Individual Investigation in Conflict Management (3)
Individualized program of study and literature review in area of particular interest to the student. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and completion of two of the following courses: CACM 31003 or 31010 or 32020 or 33030 or 34040 or 35050 or 35095 or 38080 or 41010 or 49091.
38080 Mediation: Theory and Training (3)
Examines the historical development of mediation. Teaches mediation skills necessary to become a practicing mediator. Prerequisite: CACM 11001.
41010 Reconciliation Versus Revenge: Transitional Justice (3)
"Transitional justice" refers to civil and political processes used to move from violence and tyranny to peace and democracy. War crimes tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions, apologies, forgiveness, reparations and memorials will be examined. Prerequisites: CACM 22020 and 1 upper-division CACM course; and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department and the diversity requirement.
42020 Qualitative Research in Conflict Management (3)
An overview of qualitative research methods used to gather and analyze data in conflict management. Gives students experience in writing a major research paper. Prerequisites: CACM 11001 and 2 upper-division CACM courses; and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
45093 Variable Topic Workshop in Conflict Management (1-6)
Variable topic offered as need arises. Specific topics will be announced in the Schedule of Classes. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
49091 Variable Title Seminar in Conflict Management (1-3)
Seminar devoted to detailed study of various topics in the field of conflict management. Specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes and on the Center for Applied Conflict Management’s website. Prerequisite: senior standing.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.