College of the Arts (CA)
College of the Arts (CA)
20000 Performing Arts I (3)
An interarts course introducing expressive materials, representative literature and historical contexts of major dance, music and theatre styles with appropriate reference to other art forms. Prerequisite: none.
20001 Performing Arts II (3)
Continuation of Performing Arts I. Prerequisite: none.
Special Topics
10195 Special Topics in the College of the Arts (1-5)*
20295 Special Topics in the College of the Arts (1-5)*
30395 Special Topics in the College of the Arts (1-5)
40495 Special Topics in the College of the Arts(1-5)
This program, administered by the dean, is intended to encourage interdisciplinary study, to cover areas not treated adequately in the standard course and to make available promptly the new and significant experience of the faculty.
Requests for the scheduling of these courses are made by faculty members or students to the sponsoring school or to the dean. The schools concerned clear the proposed course with the Curriculum Committee of the college.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.