Athletic Training (ATTR)
Athletic Training (ATTR)
15001 Introduction to the Profession of Athletic Training (1)
An overview of the profession of athletic training; including employment opportunities, academic and clinical preparation; an introduction to basic knowledge and skills utilized in the profession. Prerequisite: athletic training (ATTR) major.
15011 Introduction to Clinical Athletic Training (2)
Basic concepts and skills related to the professional domains of the athletic training profession. ARC certification in first aid and CPR and overview of career opportunities are included. Prerequisite: athletic training (ATTR) major.
15092 Practicum in Athletic Training I (2)*
The study and clinical application of the Competencies in Athletic Training Educational domains. Specific emphasis on the introductory cognitive, psychomotor and affective components. Clinical hours and completion of specific competencies are required. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: ATTR 15011 and special approval.
25036 Principles of Athletic Training (3)
Principles of the profession, including injury prevention, basic sports trauma, injury management and specific sports conditions. Practical competency in emergency care and first aid; athletic taping, wrapping and bracing; and equipment fitting. Prerequisite: none.
25037 Physical Assessment Techniques (4)
Anatomical and clinical assessment techniques for injuries and illnesses common to the physically active. Emphasis on orthopedic assessment strategies of the upper and lower quarters and spine for proper referral and care. Prerequisites: ATTR 25036 and PEP 25051.
25092 Practicum in Athletic Training II (2)*
The study and clinical application of the Competencies in Athletic Training Educational domains. Specific emphasis on the intermediate cognitive, psychomotor and affective components. Clinical hours and completion of specific competencies are required. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: ATTR 15092.
35025 Essentials of Athletic Injury Management (1)
Common injuries related to physical activity and/or athletic participation from the cause, management and care perspectives. American Red Cross sport safety training certification (including adult/child CPR) will be granted. Emphasis on application of skills. Prerequisite: none.
35037 Advanced Physical Assessment Techniques (3)
Anatomical, medical and clinical assessment techniques for injuries and illnesses common to the physically active. Emphasis on neurological and nonorthopedic assessment strategies for proper referral and care. Prerequisite: ATTR 25037.
35039 Therapeutic Modalities (3)
The study and practical application of physical modalities including physical principles, physiologic effects, indications/contraindications and standard application procedures. Safety and legal issues of modality usage also addressed. Prerequisite: ATTR 25036.
35040 Strength and Conditioning I (1)
Demonstrate didactic understanding and clinical application of energy systems, anatomy and proper techniques for strength and conditioning exercises for practical applications with athletes. Prerequisites: PEP 25057; and athletic training (ATTR) or physical education-professional (PEP) major.
35092 Practicum in Athletic Training III (2)
The study and clinical application of the Competencies in Athletic Training Educational domains. Specific emphasis on the intermediate and advanced cognitive, psychomotor and affective components. Clinical hours and completion of specific competencies are required. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: ATTR 25092.
45017 Professional Development in Athletic Training (3)
An investigation of the issues affecting the student athletic trainer as they prepare for an entry-level career in athletic training. Professional development issues and NATABOC exam preparation are included. Prerequisites: senior standing and athletic training (ATTR) majors only.
45038 Organization and Administration of Athletic Training (3)
Investigation into current philosophies and legal aspects of athletic training. Organization and administration of all aspects of athletic training programs. Prerequisite: ATTR 25036.
45039 Therapeutic Rehabilitation (4)
The study and clinical application of rehabilitation techniques including strategies for proper exercise selection based on anatomical and physiological considerations, program administration and guidelines for program progression. Prerequisites: ATTR 25036 and PEP 25051.
45040 Pathology and Pharmacology for Allied Health Care Providers (3)
Investigation of specific pathological conditions presented by professionals including physicians and pharmacists. Will discuss common pathologies, associated pharmacological treatment and physiologic effects for various afflictions. Prerequisites: senior standing and special approval.
45192 Practicum in Athletic Training IV (3)
The study and clinical application of competencies in athletic training educational domains. Specific emphasis on the advanced cognitive, psychomotor and affective components. Clinical hours and completion of specific competencies and proficiencies are required. Prerequisite: ATTR 35092.
45292 Internship in Athletic Training (4)
(Repeatable once for a total of 8 hours) Internship in approved athletic training setting under the direct supervision of a certified athletic trainer. Sixty clock hours required for each credit hour. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: ATTR 15092 and 25092 and 35092 and 45192 and special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.