Art Fine Arts (ARTF)
Art Fine Arts (ARTF)
14000 Drawing I (3)
Fundamental drawing and studio experiences; exploration of basic drawing ideas and media. Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $22 flat fee—subject to change.
14001 Drawing II (3)
Continued practice in drawing with particular emphasis upon dimensional representation and pictorial structure. Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisite: ARTF 14000. Special fee: $22 flat fee—subject to change.
14022 2D Composition (3)
Basic introduction in flat pictorial composition for the studio or craft artist. Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $36 flat fee—subject to change.
14055 Sculpture I (3)
An introduction to the basic concepts of three-dimensional form. Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
14060 Painting I (3)
Opaque, water-based media used to introduce fundamental form language and vocabulary of painting. Emphasis on structured study and effective use of colors. Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisites: ARTF 14000. Special fee: $25 flat fee—subject to change.
24001 Drawing III (3)
Emphasis on continued development of drawing with focus on nonfigurative representations of pictorial space. Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisite: ARTF 14001. Special fee: $24 flat fee—subject to change.
24005 Sophomore Review: Fine Arts (1)
Diagnostic review by fine arts faculty of portfolio of work selected from “foundation” courses. Student’s knowledge of art history is also examined. Student must receive a passing score (above C average) to continue in degree program. Action by faculty committee may include the assignment of additional studio work over the normal graduation requirements in areas of apparent deficiencies. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: ARTF 14000 and 14001 and 14022 and 14055 and 14060 and 24010 and 24040; and ARTH 22006 and
22007; and fine arts (ARTF) major.
24010 Introduction to Fine Art Photography (3)
Introductory studio/lecture course, which introduces fine art photography with an aesthetic, contemporary approach. Students learn traditional and digital photographic image-making applications and the historical underpinnings of the photograph in modern art. Research paper and portfolio required. Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisites: ARTF 14000 and 14022. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
24020 Digital Media (3)
Introduces concepts, tools, software and guided experiences necessary for creative integration of digital skills and concepts into art practices and art research. Prerequisites: art education (ARTE) or art history (ARTH) or fine arts (ARTS) or crafts (CRFT) or crafts/fine arts (CFA) major and freshman or sophomore standing. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
24040 Printmaking I (3)
Basic traditional and contemporary techniques of relief (woodcut, lino-cut, etc.) and intaglio printing (etching, collograph, etc.). Work produced in this course must be retained for later portfolio presentation in ARTF 24005. Prerequisite: ARTF 14000. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
24055 Sculpture II (3)
Continuation of ARTF 14055 with greater emphasis on materials and processes. Prerequisite: ARTF 14055. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
24060 Painting II (3)
Continuation of work begun in ARTF 14060. Introduction to oil painting with emphasis upon direct painting from observed sources and study of expressive capabilities of painting. Prerequisite: ARTF 14060. Special fee: $39 flat fee—subject to change.
34001 Drawing IV (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Further study and understanding of concepts and ideas which enable students to understand and professionally realize their drawings. Prerequisite: ARTF 24001 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $28 flat fee—subject to change.
34002 Introduction to Figure Drawing (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Extensive studio practice of traditional and contemporary approaches to the human figure. Critical analysis of the figure, from the Renaissance through postmodernism. Students work from a nude model. Prerequisites: ARTF 14000 and 14001 and 24001 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
34040 Printmaking: Intermediate Intaglio (3)
Continuation of ARTF 24040 emphasizing individually assigned problems in intaglio with introduction to color intaglio techniques. Prerequisite: ARTF 24040 or a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $54 flat fee—subject to change.
34041 Serigraphy I (3)
The initial presentation of fundamental concepts and processes pertaining to serigraphy. This course will include printing techniques and aesthetic considerations in the making of art. Prerequisites: ARTF 24040 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
34042 Lithography I (3)
Introduction to stone lithography. Techniques of drawing and printing crayon, tusche, transfer and color images and their relation to problems of drawing and composition. Prerequisites: ARTF 24040 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
34050 Sculpture: Life Modeling (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Continuation of the study of the human figure in sculpture. Prerequisites: ARTF 24055 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
34055 Sculpture III (3)
A sculpture course with an emphasis on other conceptual approaches beyond the more formal and aesthetic considerations explored in Sculpture II. Prerequisites: ARTF 24055 and ARTF 24005 with a grade of S. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
34060 Painting III (3)
Continuation of the painting experience in various media, using formal means of painting expressively. Prerequisites: ARTF 24060 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
44003 Drawing V (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Continuation of ARTF 34001. Prerequisite: ARTF 34001 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $28 flat fee—subject to change.
44010 Advanced Fine Art Photography (3)
Combined studio/lecture course offering more advanced, conceptual approach to the contemporary applications of photographic imaging for artists. Students work with larger scale printing formats, more involved research and greater depth of involvement with the photographic medium. Prerequisites: ARTF 24010 and ARTF 24005 with a grade of S. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
44040 Printmaking: Advanced Intaglio (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours.) Continuation of ARTF 34040 with special emphasis on color and photographic techniques intaglio. Prerequisite: ARTF 34040 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
44041 Serigraphy II (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Continuation of ARTF 34041 emphasizing individually assigned projects. Prerequisite: ARTF 34041 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
44042 Lithography II (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Continuation of ARTF 34042 with emphasis on individually assigned projects and printing of editions. Experiments in color lithography, plate and photolithography. Prerequisite: ARTF 34042 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
44055 Sculpture IV (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Advanced sculpture course with emphasis on students pursuing individually conceived problems in close consultation with faculty. Written proposal by students required at registration. Prerequisite: ARTF 34055 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $66 flat fee—subject to change.
44060 Painting IV (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 9 credit hours) Advanced painting course with emphasis on students pursuing individually conceived problems in close consultation with faculty. Written proposal by students required at registration. Prerequisite: ARTF 34060 and a grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
44092 Field Experience Travel Study Fine Art (1-3)
Travel-based study/field experience in fine arts disciplines to and at a site or sites away from Kent State University. S/U graded. Prerequisite: major in fine art (ARTS).
44095 Selected Topics: Fine Arts (1-6)
Special problems in studio art. Discussion, lecture and studio research in various selected media and concepts. Content varies each semester offered. Prerequisite: Grade of S in ARTF 24005. Special fee: $22/credit hour—subject to change.
44096 Individual Study Fine Art (1)
Additional study in area of student's choice in consultation with advisor. Prerequisite: major in fine art (ARTS)and special approval.
44099 Senior Project: Fine Arts (3)
Independently conceived project by senior fine art major, including written proposal and undergraduate thesis, culminating in an exhibition and review. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: senior standing and a grade of S in ARTF 24005 and special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department. Special fee: $22/credit hour—subject to change.