Art Education (ARTE)
Art Education (ARTE)
31001 Art Education: Foundations and Concepts (3)
An introduction to art education concepts. Emphasis on child development and on teaching the expressive and responsive dimensions of art in the early grades. Eleven field/clinical hours are associated with this course. Prerequisite: 2.75 GPA and sophomore standing in art education (ARTE). Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
31004 Art Education: Teaching Practicum (3)
A teaching experience for applying art education concepts. Analysis of instructional problems emphasized. Fifty-four field and/or clinical hours are associated with this course. Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA and ARTE 31001.
31005 Art Education Special Topics (2-4)
Special topics (experimental course). IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval of instructor.
31096 Individual Study—Art Education (2-10)
Additional study in areas of a student’s choice in consultation with advisor. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
41002 Art Education: Methods and Materials (3)
An examination of relationships between content, materials and strategies for teaching art. Seven field and/or clinical hours are associated with this course. Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA and ARTE 31004. Special fee: $5 flat fee—subject to change.
41003 Art Education: Field Experiences (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 8 hours) A planning and teaching experience for teaching art in various settings; analysis of classroom situations emphasized. Fifty-four field and/or clinical hours are associated with this course. Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA and ARTE 31004. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
41009 Art Education Major Review (1)
Examination of student’s knowledge, proficiency and ability to apply concepts in art and art education. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 2.75 GPA and pre/corequisites: ARTE 41002 and 41003.
41092 Field Experience Travel Study in Art Education (1-3)
Travel-based study/field experience in art education to and at a site or sites away from Kent State University. S/U graded. Prerequisite: major in art education (ARTE).
41096 Individual Study—Art Education (1-6)
Additional study in areas of students’ choice in consultation with advisor. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
41525 Art Education: Inquiry into Professional Practice (3)
Concepts and practices related to teaching art. Inquiry into art teaching as a professional practice. Emphasis is on teacher as critical, disciplined investigator. Twenty-six field and/or clinical hours are associated with this course. Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA and ARTE 41009 and special approval. Corequisite: ARTE 41557.
41557 Art Education: Student Teaching and Seminar (9)
Provides a 10-week student teaching experience and associated seminar. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. See Student Teaching section in Catalog. Prerequisites: 2.75 GPA and ARTE 41009 and special approval. Corequisite: ARTE 41525.