Architecture (ARCH)
10001 Understanding Architecture (3)
The nature of the built environment, its forms and functions are explored within the cultural contexts of ecology, technology, human behavior, symbolism, art and history. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10011 Survey of Architectural History I (3)
History of architecture from Neolithic times through the 14th century. Prerequisite: not open to architecture majors. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10012 Survey of Architectural History II (3)
History of Western architecture from the Renaissance to the early 20th century. Prerequisite: ARCH 10011; not open to architecture majors. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
10093 Workshop: Variable Title (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Variable topics. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
10101 First Year Design Studio I (3)
Introduction to the fundamental principles of visual organization, structural organization, graphic communications, historical precedence and current directions in architecture. Graphic techniques include freehand drawing and technical orthographics, axonometrics and perspectives. Prerequisite: architecture (ARCH) or interior design (ID) major. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
10102 First Year Design Studio II (3)
Investigations into strategies of form making through the introduction of client, type, context, site and form/space theories, 2-D and 3-D representation techniques and analysis of related reference architects. Prerequisite: ARCH 10101. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
10111 History of Architecture I (3)
History of architecture from pre-history through the Gothic period. Prerequisite: none.
10121 Representation of Design I (3)
A survey of the techniques and assumptions of basic architectural design concepts and representation of the built environment through analytical and synthetic exercises that introduce fundamental design skills. In order to integrate students into the college and the field, the exercises are supplemented by readings in contemporary visual culture. Prerequisite: admission to the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.
10122 Representation of Design II (3)
Continuation of ARCH 10121 with an emphasis on 3-D thinking and representation, critical skills and the role of images in architectural culture and society. The course also introduces the wider application of design principles in graphic design, digital media and the visualization of information. Prerequisite: ARCH 10101 or 10121.
20101 Second Year Design Studio I (3)
The introduction of a building design process that emphasizes the integration of program requirements with specific form topologies using line and plane as the primary elements to provide shape and space. Prerequisite: ARCH 10102. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
20102 Second Year Design Studio II (3)
The introduction of a building design process that emphasizes the integration of program requirements with form typologies that are both influenced and informed by specific site context. Line and plane and primary configural shapes are again incorporated to develop building form solutions. Prerequisite: ARCH 20101. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
20112 History of Architecture II (3)
History of architecture from the Medieval era through the 19th century. Prerequisites: architecture (ARCH) or architectural studies (ARCS) major.
20113 History of Architecture III (3)
A history of 20th-century architecture. Prerequisite: ARCH 20112 and architecture (ARCH) or architectural studies (ARCS) major.
20121 Studio for Architectural Studies I (4)
An introduction to basic issues in architectural design and composition. Through sketch projects and design exercises in a variety of media, students gain a familiarity with basic architectural problems and the kinds of thinking architects use to address those problems. Prerequisite: ARCH 10122 or 10102.
20122 Studio for Architectural Studies II (4)
Studio allows students to further develop their design skills in relation to a theme or shared research topic that crosses the disciplinary boundaries of architecture and challenges conventional ideas of the role design can play in developing knowledge. Prerequisite: ARCH 20121 or 20101.
20201 Beyond Western Architecture (3)
Course introduces students to the broad realm of contributions to world architecture made by cultures and civilizations which were not in the traditional sphere of Western/European influence. Prerequisite: ARCH 10111 and 20112.
20301 Introduction to Building Structures (3)
An introduction to building structures, statics, strength of materials, analysis for shear-moment-displacement, loads including dead-live-wind-earthquake and building code requirements for structural safety. Prerequisites: open to junior and senior architecture (ARCH) or architectural studies (ARCS) or fine arts (ARTS) or interior design (ID) majors.
20601 Computer Applications in Architecture I (1-3)
Course provides a basic understanding of two-dimensional CAD operations, parametric building design and building information modeling (BMI). Prerequisite: architecture (ARCH) or architectural studies (ARCS) or interior design (ID) major.
20602 Computer Applications in Architecture II (1-3)
Principles and practices of 3D digital modeling and rendering, including: production of geometric surfaces and forms using polygon construction, texturing, lighting and rendering. Prerequisites: ARCH 20601 and architecture (ARCH) or architectural studies (ARCS) or interior design (ID) major.
20693 Workshop: Computer Applications (3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Computer workshops are intended to provide an exposure to various fundamental computer topics and their application to architectural studies. Topics include file management, network applications, spreadsheets, raster image manipulations, two- and three- dimensional CAD and computer-aided visualization. S/U grading. Prerequisite: architecture (ARCH) and interior design (ID) majors only.
30001 Site Design (1)
Research component addressing technical, cultural and contextual concerns, influences and directions in site design. Prerequisite: ARCH 30101 and architecture (ARCH) major with approved admission to advanced study (third year). This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
30002 Urban Design (1)
Lecture/seminar/research component conducted concurrently with ARCH 30102 addressing design of form and space in cities through study of precedents, traditions, current directions in urban form making. Corequisite: ARCH 30102. Prerequisites: ARCH 30001 and 30101.
30012 Urban Design, Florence, Italy (1)
Lecture/seminar/research component addressing design of form and space in cities through study of precedents, traditions, current directions in urban form making. Corequisite: ARCH 30112. Prerequisite: ARCH 30101.
30022 Urban Design Discourse (3)
Starting in the 1960s, a series of theorists attempted to understand the city as a form of writing, producing some of the most influential design books of the last generation. This course investigates this literature, using a range of writing exercises in which students interpret both urban space and the writing it inspires. Prerequisite: ARCH 20113. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
30101 Third Year Design Studio I (5)
Studio investigation of the simultaneous concerns of program, site, context and materials of construction. Specific emphasis on the understanding of the goals, objectives, intentions and parameters of site/context in design, including cultural influences. Prerequisites: ARCH 30001 and architecture (ARCH) major with approved admission to advanced study (third year). Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
30102 Third Year Design Studio II (5)
Studio investigation with specific emphasis on the understanding of the goals, objectives, intentions and parameters of urban design. Corequisite: ARCH 30002. Prerequisite: ARCH 30101. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
30112 Third Year Design Studio II—Florence, Italy (5)
Studio investigation with specific emphasis on understanding of the goals, objectives, intentions and parameters of urban design. Corequisite: ARCH 30012. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
30301 Structural Systems I (3)
A continuation of building structures, statics, strength of materials and systems analysis. Emphasis is on elastic materials, allowable stresses and design for wood and steel structural members and systems. Prerequisites: ARCH 20301 and architecture (ARCH) major with approved admission to advanced study (third year).
30321 Structural Typology (3)
Course provides a noncomputational introduction to structural principles, materials and building technologies. Historical and contemporary examples are used as case studies. The goal of the course is to give students an understanding of the role structural engineering and materials science play in design thinking and how they can drive design innovation. Prerequisite: ARCH 20102 or 20122.
30401 Methods and Materials I (3)
Introduction to the origins, extraction, properties and processing of the basic materials of construction. Primary focus on wood and masonry—appropriate use and scale including code requirements, methods of construction and design consequences. Prerequisites: architecture (ARCH) major with approved admission to advanced study (third year).
30421 The Environmental Imperative (3)
Course begins with a historical introduction to the transformative role played by environmental technologies in modern architecture. This discussion is then brought into the present through an introduction to a wide range of contemporary thinking about sustainability in architecture and urbanism. Prerequisite: ARCH 20102 or 20122.
30501 Environmental Technology I (3)
Basic principles of ecological design and architecture environmental systems including lighting, sonic and thermal systems. Interior design (ID) majors by special approval. Prerequisite: PHY 13012 and architecture (ARCH) major admitted to advanced study.
40001 Sustainable Design (1)
Research component addressing precedents, traditions, current directions in conservation of natural environment. Principles and methods of ecological design in architecture and urban design. Corequisite: ARCH 40101. Prerequisites: ARCH 30102 and 30112. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
40002 Systems Design (1)
Lecture and research component addressing comprehensive integration of mechanical, electrical, communications, structural, life safety systems and sustainable design concerns. Corequisite: ARCH 40102. Prerequisite: ARCH 40101.
40101 Fourth Year Design Studio I (5)
Studio investigation of complex formal and spatial constructs addressing the comprehensive concerns of architecture. Special emphasis on understanding the conservation of the natural environment. CAD is required. Corequisite: ARCH 40001. Prerequisite: ARCH 30102 or 30112. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
40102 Fourth Year Design Studio II (5)
Studio investigation of the comprehensive concerns and understanding of building systems integration. CAD is required. Corequisite: ARCH 40002. Prerequisite: ARCH 40101. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
40302 Structural Systems II (3)
A continuation of building structures, statics, strength of materials and systems analysis. Emphasis is on inelastic materials, allowable stress and design for masonry and concrete structural members and systems. Prerequisite: ARCH 30301.
40402 Methods and Materials II (3)
Continued investigation of the origins, extraction, properties and processing of the basic materials of construction. Primary focus on concrete and steel—appropriate use and scale including allied systems and building materials, including glazing and interiors. Introduction to construction contract documents. Prerequisite: ARCH 30401.
40502 Environmental Technology II (3)
Ecological design of large buildings. The investigation and analysis of lighting, thermal, water, electrical and waste systems in urban settings. Prerequisite: ARCH 30501.
44611 Portfolio (1)
Architectural drawings and other allied work of the student reproduced and assembled in a professional portfolio suitable for job and graduate application. Prerequisite: ARCH 40101.
45001 Professional Practice: Real Estate and Development (3)
Introduction to the economic, social, ethical, legal impact on/of development in both the public and private sectors. Computer applications and case study analysis is required. Prerequisite: admission to Bachelor of Architecture professional program.
45002 Professional Practice: Contract and Planning Law (3)
The course surveys laws relating to the practice of architecture and dispute resolution with emphasis on contract laws contrasted with laws of negligence and the standard of care in the profession. Planning law surveys land use control mechanisms as seen through zoning, variances and practical applications. Prerequisite: admission to Bachelor of Architecture professional program.
45003 Professional Practice: Leadership and Ethics (3)
This course discusses leadership on several professional scales including architectural and urban, with emphasis on problem identification and problem solving within an ethical framework. Prerequisite: admission to Bachelor of Architecture professional program.
45004 Professional Practice: Office and Financial Management (3)
The course examines various architectural office structures and management approaches, laws pertaining to professional registration and practice, the use of consulting engineers, and financial management of the architect’s office in the context of the profession as a business. Prerequisite: admission to the Bachelor of Architecture professional program.
45093 Workshop: Professional Practice (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Variable topic workshop related to architectural professional practice. S/U grading. Prerequisite: admission to Bachelor of Architecture professional program.
45101 Fifth Year Design Studio I (6)
The studio intends to investigate a new scale of environmental issues which integrate both architectural and urban planning. Included are site visits, data collection, design of a master plan and an architectural form response to a segment of the total conceptual plan. Prerequisite: admission to the Bachelor of Architecture professional program. Special fee: $15 flat fee—subject to change.
45102 Fifth Year Design Studio II (3-6)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Advanced design studio emphasizing comprehensive and independent investigation—exploring and manifesting ideas through architecture using competitions and hypothetical or real projects as vehicles of expression. Prerequisite: faculty special approval required. Special fee: $2.50/credit hour—subject to change.
45204 Beyond Western Traditions (3)
An introduction to the architectural traditions of Asia, Africa, pre-colonial America and Islam. Prerequisite: ARCH 20113.
45210 Renaissance Architecture (3)
History and theory of Renaissance architecture from 1400 until 1600. Prerequisites: ARCH 10011 and 10012; or ARCH 10111 and 20112; or ARTH 22006 and 22007.
45211 Baroque Architecture (3)
History and theory of architecture in Europe from 1600 through 1750. Prerequisites: ARCH 10011 and 10012; or ARCH 10111 and 20112; or ARTH 22006 and 22007.
45220 American Architecture: Colonial to 1900 (3)
History of American architecture for Spanish, French, Dutch and English colonization through the 19th century. Prerequisite: ARCH 10011 and 10012; or ARCH 10111 and 20112; or ARTH 22006 and 22007.
45230 Frank Lloyd Wright (3)
Examination of the life, buildings and literary works of Frank Lloyd Wright with emphasis on his contributions to American art and architecture and his place in American intellectual history. Prerequisite: ARTH 22007 or ARCH 20112.
45291 Seminar: Variable Topics in Architectural History (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Content varies. Prerequisite: special approval.
45391 Seminar: Structures III (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) A continuation of building structures, statics, strength of materials and systems analysis. Emphasis is on complex systems, including horizontal long span and high-rise structures. Computer analysis is required. Prerequisite: ARCH 40302.
45491 Seminar: Methods and Materials III (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Advanced topics in methods and complex materials systems. Computer modeling and field experiences are required. Prerequisite: ARCH 40402.
45591 Seminar: Environmental Technology III (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Variable topics in environmental technology—environmental design and energy conservation, advanced lighting techniques, etc. Prerequisite: ARCH 40502.
45601 Advanced Computer Applications (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) This course discusses advanced visualization techniques such as raytracing, radiosity and animation, and presents a variety of presentation issues and options. Prerequisite: special approval; admission to third year.
45610 (Re)constructing Architecture (3)
The representation of race, gender and nationalistic ideologies within architectural practice and form. Prerequisite: open to junior and senior architecture (ARCH) and interior design (ID) and fine arts (ARTS) majors. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
45611 Design Theory and Criticism: Twentieth Century (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Design theory and criticism of architecture in the 20th century. Prerequisite: none.
45620 Introduction to Preservation (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) An overview of preservation including building analysis, conservation, adaptive reuse, economic benefits of preservation planning as a revitalizing strategy. Prerequisite: special approval.
45621 Current Issues in Historic Preservation (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Course in which practicing professionals including architects, planners, developers and government officials present preservation-related work. Prerequisite: special approval.
45630 Introduction to Landscape Architecture (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Introduction to landscape design with emphasis upon the relationship between landscape and buildings. Prerequisite: none.
45631 Site Analysis and Design (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Analysis of environmental factors as a basis for site selection and site planning. Prerequisite: none.
45632 Urban Ecology (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Understanding the built environment as an integral component of an overall ecological system. Emphasis is on the need for a collaborative multidisciplined and community-based ecological design process, sustainable ethic and cultivating an awareness of nature in the city. Prerequisite: none.
45640 Developing Environments for Older Adults (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Research of existing built environments and an investigation of the planning design process for the elderly. Prerequisite: none.
45701 Urban Design Studio I (3-6)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Introduction to urban design and its relationship to other design disciplines through analysis of neighborhoods and definition of comprehensive area improvement programs. Prerequisite: special approval.
45702 Urban Design Studio II (3-6)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Urban design exploration of the formal relationships between buildings, open spaces and streets in the development of high density, mixed-use projects. Prerequisite: special approval.
45703 Theories and Principles of Urban Design I (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Course on the nature and utility of theory in urban design, examining the relationship between design ideologies and the theories of the environment on which they are based. Prerequisite: none.
45704 Theories and Principles of Urban Design II (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Course on the relationship between design ideologies/theories and the realities of existing spacial relationships/precedents. Prerequisite: special approval.
45706 Socio-Political Representation in Urban Design (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) This course explores representation of socio-political ideas/ideology through architectural and urban design. Prerequisite: special approval.
45707 Representation in Design (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Course on the nature of communication in design and the representational tools the designer uses to give form to abstract ideas and converse with clients and colleagues. Prerequisite: none.
45793 Workshop: Urban Design and Planning (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) This course provides an introduction to the scope of planning and design in the making of quality urban neighborhoods, with a particular emphasis on the role of urban design, architecture and landscape design. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
46263 Modern Architecture (3)
History and theory of architecture from the Chicago School through World War II. Prerequisites: ARCH 10111 and 20112; or ARCH 10011 and 10012; or ARTH 22006 and 22007.
46613 Urban Design Theory (3)
Investigation of the visual form of cities. Prerequisite: none.
46991 Seminar: Variable Topics (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Variable topic seminar. Prerequisite: special approval; approved admission to third year.
46992 Field Study (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Variable topic field experience. Prerequisite: special approval; approved admission to third year.
46993 Workshop: Variable Topic (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Variable topic workshop. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval; approved admission to third year.
46995 Special Topics (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Special topics in architecture. Prerequisite: special approval; approved admission to third year. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
46996 Individual Investigation (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Individual investigation. Prerequisite: special approval; prior written agreement with faculty is required.
* Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.