College of Education, Health, and Human Services
304 White Hall
Tel: 330-672-2862
Fax: 330-672-3549
Integrated Health Studies
Created in 1999, the Bachelor of Science in Integrated Health Studies is designed for students interested in pursuing studies related to the health professions. All students complete the university’s 36-hour Liberal Education Requirements (LER). The integrated health studies 17-hour core provides students with an overview of the health field and includes courses related to careers in medical terminology, health care ethics, health care policy and delivery systems, research design and statistical analysis, and a professional seminar. The core is designed to provide the students with a context in which to consider their particular area of concentration. Students may select one of three concentrations: health sciences, health services or health care administration and systems. The health sciences concentration is designed to be a strong science-based program for students interested in graduate studies in health-related fields or as a general degree for students interested in the health field. The health services concentration provides a comprehensive study of the health professions, human development and health services. This concentration also is designed to provide a 2+2 baccalaureate degree for students with associate’s degrees in areas of allied health, such as physical or occupational therapy assistant technology. The health care administration and services concentration is designed for students wanting to prepare for management positions in the health care industry. This concentration provides a strong core of business courses including marketing, management, finance, economics, accounting and human resource management, as well as specialized courses related to long-term care administration.
Graduation Requirements:
To receive a Bachelor of Science in Integrated Health Studies, students must satisfy the 36-hour minimum requirement stipulated in the liberal education requirements (LER) and students must complete a minimum of 39 upper-division (30000 or 40000) courses. Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.00 for all courses taken at Kent State University. Students must have a 2.25 GPA for all courses taken in their major and minor when one is selected.
Writing-Intensive Course Requirement:
All students at Kent State University must complete a writing-intensive course in their major. For majors, IHS 44091 Professional Seminar in Integrated Health Studies is the course designated to meet the writing-intensive course requirement.
Integrated Health Studies Major (B.S.E.)
Integrated Health Studies (IHS) is designed for students interested in pursuing studies related to the health professions. The integrated health studies 23-hour core provides students with courses that focus on medical terminology, careers in the health sciences and human services, health care ethics, health care policy and delivery systems, research design and statistical analysis, quantitative statistics, a writing intensive course and a professional seminar class at the end of the program.
Health Care Administration and Systems Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
The health care administration and services concentration is designed for students interested in preparing for positions in the health care industry, this concentration provides a strong core of business courses including marketing, management, finance, economics, accounting and human resource management, as well as specialized courses related to long-term care administration.
Health Sciences Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
The health sciences concentration includes a strong basic science core (biology, chemistry, physics) as well as an applied science core (ex. physiology, nutrition). IHS majors in the health sciences concentration will be preparing themselves for science-based, professional, health-related graduate programs, especially physical and occupational therapy.
Health Services Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
The health services concentration provides a comprehensive study of the health professions, human development and health services.