Academic Advising
Academic Advising
Regular consultation with a faculty advisor is an essential aspect of all students’ personal academic management and planning. Consultation at least once each semester for scheduling advice and assistance with registration procedures is the minimum expectation. Freshman academic advisors are assigned through the First Year Advising Center. Professional program advising is coordinated through the College Office of Advising and Academic Services for each program area. Beginning in the sophomore year, students should go to their program office to obtain a permanent faculty advisor. The academic advisor is to be consulted first on all matters relating to a student’s academic performance and progress.
The Office of Advising and Academic Services (OAAS), located in 202-C Taylor Hall, offers comprehensive academic advising for undergraduate students for all College of Architecture and Environmental Design majors as well as students from other colleges exploring our majors. The OAAS provides advising for transfer students and intervention and referral programs for students on academic probation that include small group and individual counseling. Academic advising is available to students who are undecided about a choice of academic major or who are contemplating general changes of academic programs.
The OAAS also treats other issues beyond the immediate purview of the program in which the students’ faculty advisor is based. Advisors may be seen by appointment by calling the Office of Advising and Academic Services at 330-672-2780.
It is the student’s responsibility to seek out and use the advising resources available.
Requirement Audit
Upon completion of 60 semester hours, architecture students are required to contact the Office of Advising and Academic Services in Taylor Hall to obtain a requirement sheet bearing a current evaluation of all progress toward completion of the students’ chosen degree program. Requirement evaluations are not a substitute for meeting with a faculty advisor. Students enrolled in programs that have been coded in the KAPS (Kent Academic Progress System) receive reports of progress in their majors each semester. Questions about KAPS reports are answered in the Office of Advising and Academic Services.
Advancement review for the Bachelor of Science in Architecture occurs at the end of the second year. Please see Requirements for Advancement to Third Year located in this catalog.
Interior Design
Advancement review for the Interior Design program occurs at the end of the first year. Please see Requirements for Advancement to Second Year located in this catalog.
RESPONSIBILITY FOR MEETING ALL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS RESTS WITH STUDENTS. The various advising services provided by the college are an effort to support and assist students in meeting this responsibility. Students’ failure to comply with all duly publicized academic requirements, however, is not the responsibility of the University.
Transfer Advising
Students transferring into the College from another university should make an appointment in the Office of Advising and Academic Services to determine applicability of transfer credits to their program before registering for classes. In some cases, the students are then referred to their program advisor for a determination on specialized courses.