College of Architecture and Environmental Design
301 Taylor Hall
Tel: 330-672-5833
Fax: 330-672-5877
Interior Design Major—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements] |
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The Interior Design program focuses on human needs that can be fulfilled by the design of one’s surroundings. This program teaches interior designers to identify, research and creatively solve problems relative to the function and quality of one’s near environment. Competencies achieved in the program include fundamental design; design analysis; space planning and programming; and the design of all interior spaces, with an understanding of health, safety and welfare of the public as they relate to all aspects of environmental design. The four year, professional, CIDA accredited program leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Direct admission to the Interior Design program is based on a combination of high school GPA and ACT/SAT scores. There are open admissions to this program, but early application is advised.
Students who do not meet the standards for admission to interior design are admitted to the Architecture and Environmental Design-General premajor (AED-G). They must maintain a minimum overall 2.50 GPA and compete the coursework listed to be considered for admission to the program. In most cases, this means students must spend five year meeting the requirements for graduation.
Change of Major Students
All Kent State University students seeking to change majors to interior design must have a minimum 2.50 GPA for all college coursework to qualify for admission. All requirements for interior design majors stated above must also be fulfilled.
Students who do not meet the standards for admission to interior design are admitted to the Architecture and Environmental Design (AED)-general category. They must maintain a minimum overall 2.50 GPA and complete the coursework listed above to be considered for admission to the program. In most cases, this will mean students must spend five years to meet requirements for graduation.
Transfer Students
Students from CIDA-recognized interior design programs may be admitted into interior design if they present an approved portfolio and an overall 2.50 GPA. All requirements for the program must be met by transfer students from other CIDA-accredited programs including coursework and GPA. Individual evaluation and placement at the appropriate class level will be determined at time of transfer. A portfolio of work must be presented to evaluate placement in the program.
Students from programs not recognized by CIDA must have a minimum 2.50 GPA for all college coursework. Transfer students will be required to complete all KSU coursework required in the first year of the Interior Design program. Transfer coursework from other institutions will be evaluated at time of application.
Students Who Do Not Qualify for Admission as a Result of GPA below 2.50
See Academic Forgiveness Policy. All requirements stated after the First Year course listing must be fulfilled. These students are placed as AEDG majors until the required GPA is achieved.
Postbaccalaureate Students
Postbaccalaureate students seeking a second degree will be evaluated for requirements on an individual basis and must have an overall GPA of 2.50 in all previous college-level work.
Application for admission to the program by change of major and transfer students, students who do not qualify for admission as a result of GPA below 2.50 and postbaccalaureate students may be made at any time.
Requirements for Graduation in the Bachelor of Arts Program
1. Complete minimum 39 upper-division credit hours.
2. Complete minimum 130 credit hours, including all required coursework.
3. Earn minimum 2.50 GPA in major, including interior design, art, architecture, visual communication design and technology courses.
4. Earn minimum 2.00 GPA overall cumulative average.
Advancement to Second Year
Screening of first-year interior design students takes place after the students have completed the required freshman program. Requirements must be completed with a minimum GPA of 2.50 in these courses. After final exam week of the spring semester, and if all of the requirements have been met, the candidates for admission to the second year must submit a portfolio of creative accomplishments. The portfolio must include representative work from the required freshman courses.
Selection of candidates by the interior design faculty and review committee takes place at this time. Candidates received notification by letter from the interior design program within four weeks after the last day of exams regarding admission to the second year of the major.
All interior design majors must maintain a 2.50 GPA in all courses taken in the major including all courses in the Colleges of Architecture and Environmental Design, Business Administration, Technology, the Arts, and Communication and Information.
Program Expectations
After successful completion of the portfolio process and admission to the second year of interior design coursework, students can expect a minimum of three years to complete the program. This professional program is based on both lecture and studio work. Due to this, the coursework requires the use of expendable materials. The interior design major is expected to purchase art supplies and materials beyond the regular textbooks required in lecture and studio courses.
Detailed information on admission to this program may be obtained by writing directly to Kent State University, Interior Design Program, P.O. Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001.