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Undergraduate Studies

Academic Success Center
207 Schwartz Center
Tel: 303-672-3190
Fax: 330-672-2073

Dual Enrollment Programs
217 Schwartz Center
Tel: 330-672-3743
Fax: 330-672-5339

Exploratory Major and
Exploratory Advising Center 
Lake Hall
Tel: 330-672-3676
Fax: 330-672-3674
EXCEL Residential College
Lake Hall
Tel: 330-672-3676
Fax: 330-672-3674

National Student Exchange
Olson Hall
Tel: 330-672-9292
Fax: 330-672-9296


The goal of Undergraduate Studies is to help students achieve academic success at Kent State University. It fosters student academic success by advising undecided students on degree and career planning; assessing the basic skills of all first-year students; providing tutoring services that promote student learning; and supporting low-income, first-generation and pre-college students.


The Academic Success Center consists of programs designed to foster the academic success of college students. Program areas include the Academic Skills courses, Student Support Services project, University Tutoring programs and Supplemental Instruction services.

Academic Skills courses include: US 10003 Reading Strategies for College Success and US 10006 Study Strategies for College Success. The focus of both courses is the development and application of reading, learning and study strategies that will enable students to maximize their learning potential and achieve their learning goals, thereby promoting student retention. Placement in one or both courses is contingent upon basic skills assessment.

The Student Services project is a TRIO program funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education to provide academic support to first-generation college students, low-income students and students with disabilities. Services include tutoring in mathematics, writing and selected courses; study groups; individual peer mentor; and a laptop computer-lending program.

University Tutoring supports the educational development of student through tutoring in selected courses; writing and mathematics tutoring in certain residence halls and in the Library Information Commons; and test review sessions and workshops.

Supplemental Instruction services are available to students enrolled in specific large lecture classes. Small-group supplementation instruction study sessions are designed to help student improve their academic performance.


Kent State University’s Dual Enrollment Programs are designed to provide qualified high school students with the opportunity to enhance their high school education by earning college credits while they are still completing their high school degree. The most common forms of dual enrollment are the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) and college courses taught at the high school by qualified high school faculty members who have been approved by Kent State University.

Kent State’s Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) provides qualified high school students with access to college-level coursework on the college campus. College courses taken under PSEOP may also fulfill high school graduation requirements if approved by the students’ local school districts. Participation in PSEOP at any Kent State campus is not intended to replace coursework available at high school, but rather to enhance the educational opportunities available to students while in high school. In recognition of the fact that high school-level college preparatory coursework forms the foundation for success at the college level, the Ohio Department of Education and the admission offices of the state universities in Ohio have endorsed a minimum core of 16 units of high school college preparatory courses.

To participate in PSEOP at any Kent State campus, high school students must have completed at least 9 units of this minimum core to be considered for admission as a first-semester high school junior or at least 13 units to be considered for admission as a first-semester high school senior. In general, those students seeking admission to college courses should rank in the top 15 percent of their class, have a cumulative minimum 3.50 high school GPA and minimum ACT 26 composite score. Students who do not meet these criteria are eligible to apply for admission and will be evaluated for acceptance to the program based on their high school curriculum, cumulative high school GPA, ACT or SAT scores and letters of recommendation. Students also may be asked to complete a basic skills assessment in reading, composition and mathematics. A personal interview may be required.

Senate Bill 140 provides for tuition payment of PSEOP students enrolling under Option B. High school students wishing to take advantage of this financial opportunity must contact their local school district for specific details. Applications for participation in PSEOP must be completed in sufficient time for them to be evaluated before the appropriate registration period. Students should contact the campus to which they are applying for specific program details and deadlines. PSEOP students are eligible for admission into Kent State University degree programs when they submit and meet all admission criteria (e.g., proof of high school graduation, admission test scores, high school rank, grade point average, etc.). Kent State University degrees earned by PSEOP students are not posted to the Kent State University academic transcript until the term subsequent to high school graduation.

Dual Enrollment Programs also includes The Ohio College Access Network (OCAN). OCAN offers a pre-college partnership with local school districts and community agencies in planning and implementing early college awareness activities and events. The focus of this partnership is to increase the recruitment and retention of first generation students at Kent State University.


The EXploratory Community Engaged in Learning (EXCEL) Residential College is a living/learning experience offered to new freshman exploratory students who have chosen to explore the numerous majors at Kent State University prior to declaring a major. EXCEL focuses on academic and personal success and offers students special resources in choosing a degree-granting college major. EXCEL students reside on the fourth floor of Lake Hall in the central part of campus. This hall is connected to the Exploratory Advising Center, which houses the professional academic advisors for all exploratory students. The students enroll in common courses resulting in the formation of an interdependent community where students share responsibility for living and learning together.


The National Student Exchange program offers a one-year or one-semester study-away educational opportunity to Kent State students while they earn course credit toward graduation. There are more than 170 colleges and universities in the United States, U.S. Territories and Canada from which to choose. Students pay Kent State University tuition or use their tuition waiver; financial aid applies and scholarships also can apply; there are no out-of-state fees. Students experience personal growth, explore graduate school programs and investigate employment opportunities while being exposed to a new culture.