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Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation PDFDownload to print

Professional behavior is expected at all times. Any member of the administration, faculty or staff may initiate a Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation proceeding. Students receiving three Professionalism Deficiency Evaluations during their time at the College of Podiatric Medicine may be subject to possible dismissal from the program. The initiator of the Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation must describe events or circumstances that show that student behavior, on college property or at college functions, is unsatisfactory. Students missing assigned deadlines or mandatory college meetings/events will also be subject to a Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation notice.

Students receiving a first Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation notice will be required to appear at the college for a meeting with the initiator and a witness. This witness may include a staff supervisor or faculty member. A second Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation notice will result in a meeting with Senior Associate Dean.

If a student receives a third Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation notice, the student will be subject to further disciplinary actions, including the possibility of dismissal from the college. In addition, a student receiving a professionalism deficiency evaluation may be subject to additional disciplinary actions, including dismissal from the program, regardless of how many evaluations he or she has previously received. All professionalism deficiencies will be retained for one year post-graduation in the college’s Office of Student Acadmic Services, with the exception of students who have received three Professionalism Deficiency Evaluations. Students receiving three Professionalism Deficiency Evaluations will have the evaluations retained in their permanent file.

The student is instructed to sign the form as an acknowledgement of having read it. The student signature does not constitute an admission of agreement with the Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation.

The student has the right to prepare a response.

Unsatisfactory Performance

An unsatisfactory evaluation is defined as a noted deficiency in any of the following basic traits (with examples as bullet points):

1. Reliability and responsibility

  • Does not follow through on tasks he/she agreed to perform
  • Does not arrive on time for class, clinic, CPC, patient care, etc.
  • Is not available to treat patients
  • Forgets to bring instruments

2. Maturity

  • Is disrespectful toward faculty, staff, patients and fellow students
  • Cannot accept the blame for failure
  • Makes inappropriate demands
  • Is abusive and critical during times of stress
  • Makes comments harmful to professional relationships or other persons (such as race, gender, etc.)

3. Critique

  • Cannot accept criticism
  • Does not take steps to correct shortcomings

4. Communication skills

  • Does not listen well
  • Engages in blocking behaviors: hostile, derogatory, sarcastic, loud or disruptive, distractive behaviors, verbal and/or nonverbal
  • Cannot effectively identify emotional concerns of patients
  • Uses language inappropriate to circumstances

5. Honesty and integrity

  • Is dishonest
  • Does not adhere to ethical standards of the profession
  • Violation of university testing policies
  • Does not correct errors
  • Misrepresents or falsifies actions and/or information
  • Routinely avoids questions

6. Respect for patients and/or members of college community

  • Does not maintain confidentiality
  • Does not demonstrate empathetic behavior
  • Impatient with others
  • Insensitive to patient’s immediate physical and/or emotional needs
  • Shows discriminatory behavior (racist, sexist, etc.)
  • Is not considerate to others
  • Addresses patients inappropriately
  • Demonstrates inappropriate sexual behavior

7. Appearance and grooming

  • Does not comply with College of Podiatric Medicine dress code policies.

8. Demonstrates any of the following

  • Changes in personality, dressing habits or neatness
  • Excessive irritability, anger beyond control, drowsiness or inattention to responsibility
  • Loud when normally quiet
  • Inappropriate euphoria
  • Depressed
  • Unsteady gait


  • First Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation - kept in the office of the director of student academic services
  • Second Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation – kept in the office of the director of student academic services. Any student receiving a second recorded Professionalism Deficiency Evaluation will be prohibited from holding any office, whether elected or voluntary. Students will also be required to meet with the Senior Associate Dean.
  • Third Unsatisfactory Evaluation – student subject to further disciplinary action, including possible dismissal from the college.