Only students who have been formally admitted to Kent State University may register for coursework and pay the appropriate fees. An official registration is a record of the students’ approved schedule of classes maintained online in the university’s student information system, Banner. Students who are not officially registered for a course by published university deadlines should not attend classes and will not receive credit or a grade for the course. Students are responsible for their schedules and have the ultimate responsibility to confirm the accuracy frequently during the semester before posted deadline dates. Allowing a member of the university staff to make schedule changes does not relieve the student of his or her responsibilities.
Students register for courses online through FlashFAST (log onto FlashLine and click on the Student Tools and Courses tab). Students must clear any registration holds before adjusting their class schedule. Refer to the Office of the University Registrar website for registration information, instructions, dates, deadlines and procedures. New freshmen and new transfer students register through the various campus advising and registration orientation programs.
Kent State University reserves the right to change the time of a course if it is deemed necessary, and it reserves the right to drop any course from the Schedule of Classes if there is insufficient student demand or if resources are unavailable to offer the course.
Flexibly Scheduled Course Sections
Some courses are offered as flexibly scheduled sections, that is, the section does not meet for the full semester. Eligibility for processing registration transactions for these courses (adding, dropping or withdrawing) is determined by the beginning and ending dates of the section. To view registration deadlines for these courses, students should access the Detailed Class Search from the Office of the University Registrar Schedule of Classes Search website. After locating the course, click on the "Registration Deadlines" link to see course-specific dates. Students can also find this information on their student schedule in FlashLine.
Add, Drop and Other Schedule Adjustments
Schedule adjustments are changes to a class schedule for students who have already enrolled in at least one course (1 credit or more) for that semester. During registration, students may make the following adjustments:
- Adding a course/section.
- Permitted by the end of the second week, Sunday at 11:59 p.m., of the fall or spring semester (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*). After that deadline, students may add a class or change sections of a class only with the written permission of the course instructor and submission of a Petition for Exception to Registration.
- Permitted on a space-available basis and meeting course registration eligibility.
- Dropping a course/section.
- Permitted by the end of the second week, Sunday at 11:59 p.m., of the fall or spring semester (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*).
- Changing credit hours for a variable-credit-hour course.
- Permitted by the end of the second week, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of the fall or spring semester (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*).
- Changing from graded to pass/fail or audit status.
- Permitted by the end of the second week, Sunday at 11:59 p.m., of the fall or spring semester (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*).
- Changing from pass/fail or audit to graded status.
- Permitted by the end of the second week, Sunday at 11:59 p.m., of the fall or spring semester (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*).
Students will use FlashFAST via FlashLine to process schedule adjustments by the deadlines listed above. There are no processing fees required for schedule adjustments. Students must submit a Petition for Exception to Registration form to the Office of the University Registrar when requesting schedule adjustments after the university deadlines listed above.*
Withdrawal from any or all courses is permitted through the 10th week of the fall or spring semester (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*). After that time, students are considered to be committed to all remaining courses and must complete them. If students are unable to complete the semester because of extreme circumstances that first occur after the deadline, students should consult their college or campus dean’s office. Any course withdrawal(s) processed after the second week of the fall or spring semester* will appear on the students’ academic record with a grade of W. For more information on the W grade, please refer to Grading Policies and Procedures in the University Catalog.
Students in the College of Podiatric Medicine who fail to complete registration requirements by the deadline will not be enrolled in classes for the following academic year and may be withdrawn from the college. These students may also be subject to a professionalism deficiency evaluation. Podiatric Medicine Students who request withdrawal after seven weeks of course instruction will receive on their transcript either the mark WP or WF if passing or failing, respectively. Please refer to the college policies in the College of Podiatric Medicine section of the University Catalog for more information on the procedures for withdrawal.
Any applicable tuition credit (policy published on the Office of the Bursar website) is determined by the date the transaction is processed on FlashFAST.
Late Registration Fee
Students who are not officially enrolled for any coursework (i.e., neither registered nor paid fees) as of the end of the first week of classes for the fall or spring semester* will have a late registration fee assessed for any initial registration processed. A non-payment fee will be assessed for registrations not paid by the end of the second week of classes. Visit the Office of the Bursar website for information on students’ fees.
Registration Cancellation
To receive a full refund of tuition, students who register and decide not to attend the university must cancel their registration as early as possible and no later than the end of the first week of classes (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*). This may be accomplished by the student dropping all courses via FlashFAST during registration periods. Any paid registration not canceled by the end of the first week of classes (or the prorated deadline for summer or flexibly scheduled sections*) will be subject to the refund policy published on the Office of the Bursar website. Any applicable refund is determined by the date the transaction is processed in the student information system.
* If the course's starting and/or ending dates are different than the regular start/end dates for the full fall or spring semester, deadlines may be different than noted above. For these flexibly scheduled courses or for courses scheduled in the summer, students should access the Detailed Class Search from the Office of the University Registrar Schedule of Classes Search website. After locating the course, click on the "Registration Deadlines" link to see course-specific dates. Students can also find this information on their student schedule in FlashLine.
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