School of Theatre and Dance
Dance Division
D-101 Kent State University's Center for the Performing Arts
E-mail: dance@kent.edu
Tel: 330-672-2069
Fax: 330-672-2889
Web: www.kent.edu/theatredance
Theatre Division
B141 Kent State University's Center for the Performing Arts
Tel: 330-672-2082
Fax: 330-6725-2889
E-mail: theatre@kent.edu
Web: www.kent.edu/theatredance
Academic Programs in the School of Theatre and Dance
Undergraduate Programs
- AULD, WILLIAM I. (2010) Assistant Professor, M.F.A., Northern Illinois University, 2005
- BANK, ROSEMARIE K. (1984) Professor, Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 1972
- BLACK, MARYANN P. (2014) Assistant Professor
- BROWN, COURTNEY (2014) Assistant Professor, M.F.A. University of Southern Mississippi, 2008
- CAMPBELL, SHARON S. (1989) Associate Professor, master's degree, The Ohio State University, 1982
- CRAWFORD, JOHN R. (1988) Professor and Dean, Ed.D., Temple University, 1989
- HUYA, NATALIE J. (2003) Assistant Professor, Regional Campuses, M.A., Villanova University, 2001
- FRISCHE, AMY (2013) Assistant Professor, M.F.A., San Diego State University, 2010
- KARPANTY, KIMBERLY (1995) Associate Professor, M.A., New York University, 1987
- KENT, THERESE J. (1991) Professor, M.F.A., Michigan State University, 1987
- KORECKI, CHARLES J. (2014) Lecturer
- KURAHASHI, YUKO (2001) Associate Professor, Ph.D., Indiana University, 1996
- LaSALA, ERIN P. (2009) Assistant Professor, M.F.A., University of North Carolina (Greensboro), 2009
- McINTOSH, MICHAEL R. (2013) Assistant Professor, M.F.A., Kent State University, 2005
- MEGGITT, JOAN (2005) Assistant Professor, M.F.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1999
- NADON, DANIEL R. (2014) Professor, Regional Campuses, Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1993
- NEWBERG, BRIAN S. (2010) Assistant Professor, Regional Campuses, M.F.A., University of California (Irvine), 1999
- PAUNA, STEVEN R. (2013) Associate Professor
- POLANCO, FABIO J. (2014) Associate Professor, M.F.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1997
- RICHIE, CHARLES J. (1994) Associate Professor, B.A., Denison University, 1970
- SALLAK, WILLIAM L. (2008) Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2010
- SEO, JAKYUNG (2009) Assistant Professor, M.F.A., University of Illinois (Urbana), 2004
- SHEARER, ANDREA TECZA (1980) Associate Professor, M.A., The University of Michigan, 1975
- SMITH, RAYNETTE HALVORSEN (1991) Associate Professor, M.F.A., Carnegie Mellon University, 1976
- STILLINGS, CYNTHIA R. (1996) Professor, M.F.A., University of Wisconsin (Madison), 1988
- SWOBODA, JONATHAN F. (2008) Assistant Professor, M.M., University of Nebraska (Omaha), 1997
- VAN BAARS, FRANS E. (1993) Associate Professor, M.F.A., Kent State University, 2002
- VERLEZZA, BARBARA A. (2002) Associate Professor, M.F.A., The University of Michigan, 1978
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