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Health Policy for Undergraduate Students PDFDownload to print

For admission and progression in the College of Nursing, undergraduate students must be immunized and follow the health requirements, as outlined below. Prospective students should make an appointment with a licensed clinician for a general physical. Once the clinician has administered immunizations or drawn blood for titres as needed, he/she must complete, sign and date the Immunization Compliance Form, available on the College of Nursing website.

The student is responsible for submitting the following to the College of Nursing:

  1. Certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Student must provide a copy of current CPR card. Certification must be Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Provider through the American Heart Association ONLY.

In accordance with HIPAA rules and regulations, these records will be maintained.

  1. Mantoux tuberculin (Tb) skin test using the two-step method. Two-step method means that student will receive a first Tb skin test and, one week later, will receive the second Tb skin test. Results of EACH step must be submitted.
    1. Results of a one-step Mantoux Tb skin test must be submitted each year thereafter while the student remains in the nursing program.
    2. If the student has a positive reaction to Tb, he/she is required to have a chest X-ray, or indicate date of last CXR if it was completed within the past one year. Each year, thereafter, the student will be required to complete an Annual Mantoux/TB Screening Form.
  2. Rubeola (Measles), Mumps and Rubella (MMR). Two vaccinations are required after one year of age and at least one month apart, or one MMR vaccination within the last six years. Titre-indicating immunity is also acceptable. Those born before January 1, 1957, are age deferred.
  3. Adult Diphtheria Tetanus within the last 10 years, or Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis). Tdap is also highly recommended within the following parameters:
    1. Can be received only after at least two years of receiving the Adult Diphtheria Tetanus
    2. Can be received only one time as an adult
    3. If the student chooses not to receive the Tdap, the waiver section must be signed and dated
  4. Hepatitis B vaccination is highly recommended. Dates of all three injections are required. A titre-indicating immunity is also acceptable. If the student chooses not to receive the Hepatitis B vaccination, the waiver section must be signed and dated. Since Hep. B is a series of three injections over the course of several months; it may not be completed before the deadline. Students should start the series immediately and submit documentation once future injections are completed.
  5. Varicella: date of immunization, date of disease or titre are acceptable.
  6. Physical examination within one year prior to admission to the program.

It is the students’ responsibility to maintain their Tb annual one-step date/results, and Adult Diphtheria Tetanus or Tdap as needed. Students will also be responsible for providing copies of updated CPR cards to the College of Nursing. If a student's records indicate that information is not valid for the entire subsequent academic year, the student will not be approved to participate in the clinical setting.