Late Registration
Late Registration
Students who are not officially enrolled for any coursework (registered and have paid fees) as of the first day of classes for the semester will have to process a late registration using FlashFast. All late registrations must be completed prior to the beginning of the third week of classes for fall and spring semesters.* If class beginning and/or ending dates are other than the regular session dates for a full term, deadlines may be different than noted above. For these flexibly scheduled classes, you may determine deadlines by accessing the Processing Dates for Classes link at
A late registration fee will be assessed for any registration processed after the first week of classes for fall and spring semesters.* A nonpayment fee will be assessed for registrations not paid by the end of the second week of classes. Visit the Bursar’s Office Web site at for information on students’ fees.
Late registrations will not be accepted after the second week of classes for fall and spring semesters.* Any questions regarding this policy should be referred to the Office of the University Registrar.
Additional information about late registration is available via the Office of the University Registrar home page at
* Please refer to the summer term calendar at for summer deadlines.