Dismissal and Reinstatement
Dismissal and Reinstatement
Students whose academic performance indicates little chance of obtaining the minimum grades required for graduation will be dismissed from the university.
Specifically, the academic dean may dismiss:
1. Students on probation if the work is not improving sufficiently to indicate good likelihood of obtaining minimum grades required for graduation.
2. Freshmen or first-semester transfer students with less than .50 average at the end of the first semester.
3. Freshmen at the end of the second semester with less than a 2.00 cumulative grade point average unless the students have maintained a 2.00
average for the prescribed course load during the second semester.
4. Sophomores and above with less than a 2.00 cumulative grade point average who are not meeting probationary expectations or who are not
making prescribed progress in their major program.
5. Failure to make adequate progress toward completion of program of study (including but not limited to excessive withdrawals; failure to meet
conditions of admission, major requirements or degree requirements).
Please Note: For further information concerning the conditions of probation and dismissal, consult your college office.
Students not meeting the above conditions will be subject to academic dismissal and should expect to be away from the university for a minimum of 12 consecutive months. Dismissed students may not register for any coursework at Kent State University, including its Regional Campuses. This notation will be printed on students’ official transcripts.
Reinstatement after dismissal from Kent State University is neither automatic nor guaranteed. Students may be reinstated only if they provide convincing evidence of probable academic success if permitted to return to the university. Students who have previously accumulated a substantial number of credit hours or an excessive quality point deficiency should expect that reinstatement is not likely to be approved. For programs with selective admission requirements, specified certification standards, or additional program and graduation requirements, reinstatement may be impossible.
Application for reinstatement may be made either through the academic dean of the college, school or Regional Campus from which the students were dismissed, or through the academic dean of the new college, school or Regional Campus to which the students wish to transfer. Such application should include convincing evidence of the students’ motivation to continue and of their specific efforts during the period of dismissal to eliminate previous weaknesses. The dean’s office will provide authorization for required testing. After evaluating the test results, the Application for Reinstatement and all supporting materials, the dean will inform the students whether they have been reinstated.
Students who are reinstated are automatically placed on probation until good academic standing (2.00 or greater overall) is attained. Academic requirements will be determined by the Catalog-in-force at the time the students re-enroll at the university.
If students under dismissal intend to enroll in coursework elsewhere before applying for reinstatement to Kent State University, advising should first be obtained from the office of their academic dean. Coursework taken elsewhere may not be applicable to specified Kent State University degree programs, and enrollment may affect the students’ potential use of the Academic Forgiveness Policy or the Course Repeat Policy.
Please Note: For further information concerning reinstatement, consult your college office.