Registration Cancellation
Registration Cancellation
To receive a full refund of tuition, students who register and decide not to attend the university must cancel their registration as early as possible and no later than the end of the first week of classes.* This may be accomplished by dropping all your courses via FlashFast during registration periods. Any paid registration not canceled by the end of the first week of classes will be subject to the refund schedule published on the Bursar’s Web site. Any applicable refund is determined by the date the transaction is processed on FlashFast.
Important Note:
Corrections involving registration transactions (initial registrations, schedule adjustments, course withdrawals, etc.) must be completed by the published deadlines found on the appropriate term calendar on the University Registrar Web site at If class beginning and/or ending dates are other than the regular session dates for a full term, deadlines may be different than noted above. For these flexibly scheduled classes, you may determine deadlines by accessing the Processing Dates for Classes link on the University Registrar's website.
The university reserves the right to change the time of a course if it is deemed necessary, and it reserves the right to drop any course from the Schedule of Classes if there is insufficient student demand or if resources are unavailable to offer the course.
Students interested in registering at a Regional Campus should check with the campus in which they are interested for specific dates, times and procedures.
* Please refer to the summer term calendar at for summer deadlines.