Schedule Adjustments

In addition to the schedule adjustments during the registration periods, the following schedule adjustments may be permitted through the first two weeks of the semester.*

1. Adding a course/section.
2. Dropping a course/section.
3. Changing a section (same course, different time or credit hours).
4. Changing from graded to pass/fail or audit status.
5. Changing from pass/fail or audit to graded status.

Schedule adjustments are permitted as outlined on the University Registrar Web site at There are no processing fees required for schedule adjustments.

1. Course adding is permitted through the second week of the semester, on a space-available basis, using FlashFast.

2. Withdrawal from any or all courses is permitted through the 10th week of the semester (or the prorated deadline for flexibly scheduled 
     sections). After that time, students are considered to be committed to all remaining courses and must complete them. If students are unable 
     to complete the semester because of extreme circumstances that first occur after the deadline, students should consult their college or 
     campus dean’s office. Any course withdrawal(s) processed after the second week of the semester will appear on the students’ academic 
      record with a grade of W.*

3. If class beginning and/or ending dates are other than the regular session dates for a full term, deadlines may be different than noted above. 
    For these flexibly scheduled classes, you may determine deadlines by accessing the Processing Dates for Classes link on the University 
    Registrar's website.

4. Any applicable refund (published on the Bursar’s Web site, is determined by the date the transaction is 
    processed on FlashFast.

*Please refer to the summer term calendar at for summer deadlines.


This page was last modified on August 20, 2009