Preparing for College
Recommended College Preparatory Curriculum
Most students will find that their academic success at Kent State University will be directly related to high school preparation. A carefully chosen college preparatory curriculum should develop the basic knowledge and skills which all students, regardless of major, will need at Kent State.
Kent State University recommends the following curriculum to students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree. These courses are also endorsed by the State Board of Education and the admission offices of the other four-year state-supported universities in Ohio.
The Minimum Core for College Preparation in Ohio:
♦ |
4 units of English |
♦ | 3 units of mathematics |
♦ | 3 units of science |
♦ | 3 units of social studies |
♦ | 2 units of foreign language |
♦ | 1 unit of the arts |
Entering the University
Students desiring admission to an undergraduate division of the university should submit the appropriate application materials to the Admissions Office. Students should arrange to have all necessary high school and college transcripts sent directly to the Admissions Office from each institution previously attended. All credentials submitted for admission become the property of the university and are not returnable or transferable.
Students desiring admission to one of the university’s Regional Campuses should see the Regional Campuses section of this Catalog.
The university reserves the right to change, without notice, any admissions procedures described in this Catalog.