Fee Payment Options
Fee Payment Options
The Kent State University Bursar’s Office manages all credits and charges to student accounts. The Bursar’s Office offers various payment options. This is only a summary of options available, meant to give a brief overview of the payment options offered to Kent State University students.
Single Payment
Pay semester charges in full by established deadlines. See the Bursar’s Web site (http://www.kent.edu/bursar/) for detailed information.
Single Payment Financed (in part) by a University Loan Pay semester charges in full in conjunction with a loan. The amount of the loan (up to $1000) depends on the number of credit hours taken. Continuing university students with at least a cumulative 2.00 GPA are eligible. See the Bursar’s Web site (http://www.kent.edu/bursar/) for detailed information.
Installment Payment Plan
Pay semester charges over a three-month period (for fall semester, August/September/October; for spring semester, January/February/ March). See the Bursar’s Web site (http://www.kent.edu/bursar/) for detailed information.
Monthly Payment Option
Allows payment of all or part of the academic year’s expenses in 10 equal monthly payments, from June 1 to March 1. For detailed information, contact a Tuition Management Systems representative at 800-722-4867.
Kent First Plan
Available to incoming freshmen or second-year undergraduate students with less than 65 credit hours entering Fall Semester 2008.
Incoming Freshmen
Pay for a baccalaureate degree (up to 144 credit hours) with a down payment and 42 monthly payments. This plan is designed to maintain tuition at one price through the duration of the students’ undergraduate program.
Second-Year Undergraduate Students With Less Than 65 Credit Hours Entering Fall Semester 2008
Pay for the remainder of a baccalaureate degree (up to 144 credit hours) with a down payment and 30 monthly payments. Designed to maintain tuition at one price through the duration of the students’ undergraduate program. Enrollment limited to fall semester only.
Kent Plus Payment Plan
Pay for three years of residence hall accommodations (fall and spring semesters only) in a standard double room and standard food plan with 24 monthly payments. Designed to maintain room and board at one price for the three-year period.