Endowed Scholarships and Awards*
Endowed Scholarships and Awards*
A scholarship is one of the most significant and meaningful gifts alumni, friends, corporations and foundations can provide to benefit Kent State University. Kent State is fortunate to have hundreds of scholarships established by thoughtful and generous benefactors. The following is a list of scholarships and awards that have been endowed at a level of $35,000 or more.
Boyd Conway Memorial Scholarship
Deloitte & Touche Scholarship
Richard and Maude Ferry Accounting Scholarship
Harold R. "Hal" Jenkins Memorial Founders Scholarship
Norman R. Meonske Endowed Scholarship
J. Edward Mullin Scholarship
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Endowment
William C. Stevens Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Jack and Elsie Joy and Terry Lee Fuller Foundation Medallion Scholarship
Mel and Mary Falle Graduate Architecture Scholarship
John E. Holland Architecture Scholarship
The Arts
Emily Farnham Art Scholarship
Susan M. Murphy Medallion Scholarship
John Gus and Ara Lou Panutsos Scholarship
Arts and Sciences
Mary and Reed Brown Founders Scholarship in Biology
John and Barbara Clugh Founders Scholarship
Sandra S. Fishel Founders Scholarship in Biology or Chemistry
Cathy D. Hemming Medallion Scholarship
Douglas M. and Carol Keith Mancino Founders Scholarship
Latvian Scholarship Endowment
George A. Pownall and Kathleen D. Downing Pownall Scholarship in Justice Studies
Athletic Department
Athletic Scholarship
Steven and Patricia Cress Men’s Golf Scholarship
Robert C. Dix Athletic Scholarship
Friends of Frank Mancini Endowed Football Scholarship
Golf Endowment Scholarship
Lou Holtz Golden Flash Endowed Scholarship
Legacy Endowed Athletic Scholarship
James P. Louis Women's Basketball Scholarship
Chuck and Judy Messina Men’s Golf Scholarship
Olga A. Mural Baseball Scholarship
Dennis E. Rango Men’s Golf Scholarship
Richard C. Rango Men’s Golf Scholarship
Read Athletic Scholarship
Trevor J. Rees Football Endowment
Reppa Baseball Scholarship
Doyle K. Shumaker Varsity "K" Scholarship
Louis A. Telerico Men’s Golf Scholarship
Business Administration
Robert C. Bingham Memorial Scholarship for Study Abroad
Victor E. Buehrle Jr. Founders Scholarship
Business Advisory Council Medallion Scholarship
Donald S. Grant Entrepreneurship Travel Award and Scholarship
Katherine S. and Daniel R. Lee Scholarship
Ben Mellis Medallion Scholarship
Olga and Walter Mural Medallion Scholarships
Oak Rubber Scholarship
Al and Jeanette Sprague Medallion Scholarship
Walter and Judy Van Benthuysen Medallion Scholarship
Kenneth and Nancy Wertz Founders Scholarship
Victor E. Buehrle Jr. Founders Scholarship
Chemistry Scholarship Fund
Coatings Technology Scholarship
Knauss Chemistry Scholarship
Leppo Family Medallion Scholarship
Waldo L. Semon Vinyl Scholarship
Education, Health and Human Services
Altman and Sporing Family Medallion Scholarship
Dr. Rosemary Amos Memorial Scholarship
Grace Kearns Baker Medallion Scholarship
Linda S. Booth Endowed Scholarship
Bowman Fellowship
Victor E. Buehrle Jr. Founders Scholarship
Sterling M. and Kathryn L. Doubrava Medallion Scholarship
Betty H. Fairfax Medallion Scholarship
Burton D. Gorman Medallion Scholarship
Charles A. Grigas Scholarship
Florence Hellman Endowed Scholarship Fund
Clara H. Lloyd Scholarship
Elizabeth L. Mancuso Middle Childhood Education Scholarship
Jill Anna Marsey Endowed Scholarship
Margaret E. Ratcliff Memorial Scholarship
Rayner Smith and Elizabeth Meade Smith Scholarship in Education
Betty S. Truog Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Harry V. and Lucille K. Workman Scholarship Fund for Teachers of the Deaf
Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Scholarship Award
Ethnic Studies
Lithuanian Fellowship
Samuel Mendel Melton Scholarship
Family and Consumer Studies
Mary Elizabeth Keller Fund
Dorothy M. and Mildred G. Lucke Scholarship in Nutrition and Dietetics
Dorothy M. Lucke Scholarship in Nutrition and Dietetics
Fashion Design and Merchandising
Linda M. Allard/Ellen Tracy Medallion Scholarship
Linda Allard and Herbert Gallen Endowed Fashion Design Scholarship
Eve T. Bissler Medallion Scholarship
Robert R. Broadbent FDM International Scholarship Endowment
Donna Hayes Scholarship in Fashion Design
Charles and Betsy Mangin Endowed Fashion Scholarship for International Study
Nancy W. McCann Endowment
Margaret Clark Morgan Scholarship
Lindsay J. Morgenthaler Scholarship
General Scholarships
Robert and Emily Beasley Scholarship Fund
Becker and Cartwright Families Founders Scholarship
Beneficial Management Corporation/ David J. Farris Medallion Scholarship
Robert W. Blakemore, Jr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Ted and Cricket Boyd Medallion Scholarship
Bragg Family Scholarship
Carol and Phillip Cartwright Founders Scholarship
Louise I. Clark Medallion Scholarship
Doug and Linda Cowan Medallion Scholarship
Donna J. and Roger K. Derr Medallion Scholarship
Max and Cil Draime Medallion Scholarships
Steven A. Draime Medallion Scholarship
Barry and Jo Ann Fetterman Medallion Scholarship
Judith Inman Fiedler Scholarship
Founders Scholarship Endowment
Goebel Family Founders Scholarship
KeyBank/Kenneth L. Calhoun Trust Founders Scholarship
The Paul W. Litchfield Endowed Scholarship
Joseph and Jean Marchetta Medallion Scholarship
Dorothy Garret Martin Memorial Medallion Scholarships
Medical Mutual of Ohio Scholarship
Mel Mellis Medallion Scholarship
Esther Akselrad Mullen and Israel Mullen Medallion Scholarships
Mary Luett Weixel Novak Endowed Scholarship Fund
Joseph A. and Helen M. Pizzuti Memorial Medallion Scholarship
Merlin G. Pope Jr. Medallion Scholarship
William B. Risman Medallion Scholarship
William B. and Marion C. Risman Medallion Scholarships
Schwebel Family Founders Scholarship
Peggy and Larry Shaffer Endowed Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students
Vana Family Scholarship
James Todd Walters Endowed Scholarship
Betty Jean “BJ” Wilkins Scholarship
Edward and Margaret Bauer Experiential Learning Grant for the Department of Geology
Glenn W. Frank Geology Scholarship
Donald C. Gifford Endowed Geology Scholarship
Marguerite Harvey Medallion Scholarship
Honors College
Barbara A. and Dale L. Bardes Founders Medallion Scholarship
Bengier Study Abroad Honors Scholarship
Kimball J. Bixenstine Honors Scholarship in Biology
Carringer-Cable Honors Scholarship in Journalism and Mass Communication
Dr. Donald L. Hunston Founders Scholarship
John and Joan Jack Honors Scholarship
Herb Kamm Honors Scholarship in Journalism
Alice Bierce Thomas Scholarship
Journalism and Mass Communication
William H. Oliver Fellowships in Public Affairs
John L. Scott Broadcast Journalism Endowed Scholarship
Wallace H. and Peggy V. Stroud Endowment in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Dr. Richard M. Uray Broadcasting Scholarship
Kent State University Alumni Association
Alumni Legacy Medallion Scholarship
Alumni Legacy Scholarship
Black Alumni Association Scholarship
College of Education Alumni Future Teacher Scholarship
KARE/BSA Scholarship
KARE/General Scholarships
Kent Alumni Reach for Excellence Founders Scholarships
School of Library and Information Science
Marian Porter Huffman Scholarship
Professor Kenneth B. Cummins Medallion Scholarship in Mathematics
Professor Kenneth B. Cummins Math Award
Frances Harshbarger Scholarship
Civic Theatre/Music Scholarship
C.F.W. Ludwig Music Fund
Helen Z. Schlosser Scholarship
American Nurses Association/OJIN: The Online Journal of
Issues in Nursing Endowed Scholarship
Vincent A. and Corine S. Chiarucci Medallion Scholarship
Richard F. and Dorothy B. Marsh Nursing Scholarship
Olga A. Mural Endowed Founders Dean’s Medallion Scholarship in Nursing
Victoria C. T. Read Medallion Nursing Scholarship
Political Science
Governor Martin L. Davey Sr. Scholarship
Regional Campuses Scholarships
Adult Non-Traditional Students Scholarship
Andy and Rose Garcia & Family Scholarship
David C. and Keri E. Hoffer Endowed Fund
Dr. John S. Latcham Memorial Endowment
Ruth E. Linamen Memorial Scholarship
Paul E. Martin Scholarship
Rank Charitable Trust Scholarship
Nelson and Claudia G. Reel Scholarship
Stark Campus Alumni Council Endowment
Stark Campus Scholarship
Trumbull Campus General Scholarship
Trumbull County PIC Scholarship Endowment
Milton I. Wick Journalism Scholarship
Louise Finney Young Scholarship
Speech Pathology and Audiology
Edward J. and Mary I. Zink Scholarship
Student Financial Aid
Loretta M. Antl Scholarship
George and Edith Duncan Bowman Scholarship
Filmco Scholarship
GAR Foundation Opportunity Scholarship
Elaine Schwebel Winick Memorial Scholarship
Spinneweber-Sheats Scholarship
Leland C. Keller Endowment
Visual Communication Design
American Greetings Scholarship Endowment
* Students are considered for these scholarships and awards through the normal procedures involved in requesting university financial aid or through selection by department committees. Additional information regarding scholarships can be found on the Student Financial Aid Web site: www.sfa.kent.edu.