Academic Success Center
Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center consists of programs designed to foster the academic success of college students. Program areas include the Academic Skills courses, Student Support Services project, University Tutoring programs and Supplemental Instruction services.
Academic Skills courses include: US 10003: Reading Strategies for College Success; and US 10006: Study Strategies for College Success. The focus of both courses is the development and application of reading, learning and study strategies that will enable students to maximize their learning potential and achieve their learning goals, thereby promoting student retention. Placement in one or both courses is contingent upon basic skills assessment.
The Student Services project is a TRIO program funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education to provide academic support to first-generation college students, low-income students and students with disabilities. Services include tutoring in mathematics, writing and selected courses; study groups; individual peer mentor; and a laptop computer-lending program.
University Tutoring supports the educational development of student through tutoring in selected courses; writing and mathematics tutoring in certain residence halls and in the Library Information Commons; and test review sessions and workshops.
Supplemental Instruction services are available to students enrolled in specific large lecture classes. Small-group study sessions are designed to help student improve their academic performance. For more information, visit