Certificate Programs
Certificate Programs
The Regional Campus system awards approved certificates to students who successfully complete a course of study designed to meet a specific need. These programs consist of a minimum of 15 credit hours and a maximum of 30. Some certificate programs articulate fully or in part with associate degree majors.
Students wishing to participate in certificate programs must meet the standards set forth in the university admissions policy, except where a program has been designed for a group with unique needs, such as a contract training group.
Students already enrolled at Kent State must declare their intent to pursue a certificate before completing 50 percent of the courses required. Courses completed pass/fail or through Credit-By-Exam will not count toward completion of the certificate requirements. If a student already has completed a program requirement by pass/fail or Credit-By-Exam, an alternative requirement will be designated.
To successfully earn a certificate, students must achieve a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA in the courses required for the following programs: child and family advocacy, computer forensics and information security, database administrator, legal nurse consulting/nurse paralegal, solutions developer and systems engineer. Students enrolled in the computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.75. All other certificates require a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 in the courses required for the programs.