Advising offices are located at the individual campuses.
Mechanical Engineering Technology (Integrated Manufacturing) (A.A.S.)
The Associate of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering (integrated manufacturing) Technology provides students with knowledge and skills in the manufacturing areas related to computer-controlled equipment and integrated manufacturing. Topics include drafting, CAD/CAM, materials testing and robotics applications. There are four concentrations available: general (available at the Ashtabula, Trumbull and Tuscarawas campuses); polymer and radiation polymer (available at the Ashtabula and Trumbull campuses); and systems, which is individualized and developed with the guidance of a faculty advisor (available only at the Ashtabula Campus). In addition, the concentrations may articulate fully or in part with available certificates in computer-aided drafting, plastics manufacturing and radiation polymers and the technology 2+2 baccalaureate degree. Contact an advisor for more information.
General Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
Polymer Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
Radiation Polymer Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
Systems Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]