Geauga Campus
14111 Claridon-Troy Road
Burton, OH 44021
Tel: 440-834-4187
Fax: 440-834-8846

Emergency Medical Services Technology—
2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements] 


The Geauga Campus offers an associate degree completion program for students who have completed a state-certified paramedic training program and hold a current paramedic certificate.

Students interested in this program should apply to the Geauga Campus and must meet with an advisor to be admitted to this program. Upon completion of this program, students will be granted 30 credit hours on the basis of their paramedic certification training. In addition, they must successfully complete a minimum of 33-35 hours of courses selected in accordance with the following curriculum.

Coursework may be pursued at any Regional Campus, but students must be advised at the Geauga Campus.


This page was last modified on August 20, 2009