Business Management Technology (A.A.B.)
The Associate of Applied Business in Business Management Technology provides students with a core consisting of written and oral communication skills, management skills, accounting, marketing, e-commerce, economics and liberal arts courses. In addition, the program offers technical options that allow students to specialize in business management (that articulates with the Bachelor of Business Administration), computer applications, general business management/ entrepreneurship/manufacturing, information technology and marketing sales. In some cases, students may have the opportunity to participate in internships, which help to link theory with hands-on practice. Requirements articulate fully or in part with the Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Manufacturing Management certificates; contact an advisor for more information. This major is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), 7007 College Blvd., Suite 420, Overland Park, KS 66211, 913-339-9356, The degree is available at the Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Salem, Trumbull and Tuscarawas campuses. Most of the courses in this major are available at the Geauga Campus and the Kent Campus through the College of Technology.
Business Administration Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
Computer Applications Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
General Business Management/Entrepreneurship/Manufacturing Concentration—
2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
Information Technology Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
Marketing/Sales Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]
Business Management Technology [C102]
This certificate program provides a background in business management for both experienced business managers and aspiring managers. For the business manager who may already have a degree in a field other than business, the program offers professional certification. For the person who aspires to a management position, the program offers coursework that directly applies to an Associate of Applied Business degree.
Course requirements for business management technology certificate (22 credits):
ACTT | 11000 | Accounting I—Financial |
4 |
BMRT | 11009 | Introduction to Management Technology |
3 |
21000 | Business Law and Ethics I |
3 | |
21006 | Human Resources Management |
3 | |
21011 | Fundamentals of Financial Management |
3 | |
21050 | Fundamentals of Marketing Technology |
3 | |
COMT | 11000 | Introduction to Computer Systems |
3 |
Total |
22 |
Students must satisfy the prerequisites of each course in the program by either: (a) completing the prerequisite courses, or (b) demonstrating to a Business Management Technology faculty member that they have otherwise met the prerequisites. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be completed at Kent State University.