Admission to Pre-Nursing
Admission to Pre-Nursing
New Freshmen
Admission will be considered for those students who have completed a strong academic pattern of courses in high school. In addition to meeting all general university requirements, it is essential that applicants present study in chemistry, biology and mathematics from high school. A minimum high school GPA of 2.70 (on a 4.00 scale) also is required.
An ACT composite score of 22 and 22 in scientific reasoning is the minimum expected to receive favorable consideration.
Transfer Students
In addition to meeting all general university requirements for admission, transfer students should contact the College of Nursing regarding special information and deadlines.
Transfer students will be admitted to the College of Nursing on an individual basis and as space permits in clinical sections.
Students wishing to transfer from another baccalaureate nursing program should consult directly with the College of Nursing at the time of application to the university.
Second-Degree Students
Persons with a non-nursing degree wishing to pursue the study of nursing should consult with the College of Nursing at the time of application to the university. An accelerated program is available for postbaccalaureate students.
Licensed Practical Nurses
L.P.N.s admitted to the nursing sequence enroll in a role transition course and may be eligible for credit-by-examination for selected sophomore-level nursing courses. An appointment should be made for advising through the College of Nursing, Student Services Office, at the time of application.
Sophomore Nursing Sequence
Limitations on available space for sophomore nursing majors necessitate a selective and competitive admission process. The sophomore nursing sequence usually begins in the fall and spring semesters of each year.
Preference is given to applicants who:
1. Complete BSCI 20020, 20021 and CHEM 10050, 10052 or CHEM 10054, with a minimum of a 2.50 GPA in
these sciences.
2. Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours with a 2.50 or higher GPA.
Please note that admission into the nursing sequence is competitive. Please consult with the Student Services Office in the College of Nursing for the average GPA of currently entering students.
In February of the freshman year, pre-nursing students apply directly to the College of Nursing for admission to the sophomore nursing sequence. Selection for the sophomore nursing sequence is made by a faculty committee of the College of Nursing beginning in June of each year. Spring admission selections occur in October. Space is limited.
Once accepted into the Sophomore Sequence, all students are required to purchase a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and required reference textbooks in PDA format. Specific requirements are available in the College of Nursing, Office of Student Services, Room 116, Henderson Hall.
Registered Nurses
Transition nursing courses are available for registered nurses. Many of the required nursing courses are available via distance-learning technology. In addition, credit may be established in selected arts and sciences courses through examination. Non-nursing courses are available throughout the eight-campus network.
Kent’s Eight-Campus Network
Check with the individual Regional Campuses for nursing course offerings.