Other Programs Administered by the Honors College
Other Programs Administered by the Honors College
All students pursuing a baccalaureate degree at Kent State University must satisfy a minimum of 36-37 semester hours of LER courses, two diversity courses and one writing-intensive course.
Advanced Placement Program
Kent State University participates in the Advanced Placement Program administered by the College Board. The latter prepares tests to assess the work of high school students who have taken college-level courses at their high schools. Examinations are offered in art, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, English literature and composition, government, history, mathematics, music, physics, psychology, statistics, French, German, Latin and Spanish. The university will grant college credit for such courses in which satisfactory scores have been attained by the high school student.
For further information, consult the dean of the Honors College.
Experimental and Integrative Studies
The objectives of Experimental and Integrative Studies are:
1. To provide a means by which faculty and other qualified members of the university community may
develop, offer and test innovative courses that meet a legitimate intellectual need of students but are
not regular curricular offerings of the existing academic units.
2. To provide for the offering of courses on a temporary and topical basis that deal with matters of current
social or cultural concern in a manner that presents a variety of perspectives.
3. To provide occasionally for the offerings of courses such as Career Exploration that support university
4. To encourage interdisciplinary and integrative teaching and learning of a kind not frequently found in the
traditional academic units.
5. To encourage generally a spirit of curricular experimentation, integration and innovation in course content
and pedagogy throughout the university community.
Experimental and Integrative Studies provides opportunity for faculty and staff to develop courses not presently available in the university curriculum. This is accomplished through selected topics offerings, which are now letter-graded with a few exceptions. Commonly offered under this title are courses such as Career Exploration, Film Classics and Diabetes Management. While the coursework is often rigorous and demanding, the nontraditional approach toward teaching lends itself well to exploring new modes of learning.
To ensure that experimental work does not preempt students’ primary academic work, students may take only one experimental class a semester (exception: Service-Learning Contract). Each semester, Experimental and Integrative Studies publishes its own catalog describing the selected topics for that semester.
Additional information may be obtained from the Honors College office.