Undergraduate Teacher Licensure Programs
This section is specifically for the following majors:
Deaf Education Intervention Specialist
Early Childhood Education
Earth Science
Educational Interpreter
Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Gifted Education Intervention Specialist
Integrated Business Education
Integrated Language Arts
Integrated Mathematics
Integrated Science
Integrated Social Studies
Life Science
Life Science/Chemistry
Marketing Education
Middle Childhood Education
Mild/Moderate Intervention Specialist
Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist
Physical Education
Physical Science
School Health and Physical Education
School Health Education
Trade and Industrial Education
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework for the professional education unit at Kent State University is based on the university mission that it prepares students for responsible citizenship and productive careers, broadens intellectual perspectives and fosters ethical and humanitarian values. Student learning is at the center of Kent State’s framework for professional education. Teacher candidates emerge from their programs of study as quality professional educators grounded in the following values and behaviors:
In-Depth Content Knowledge
• Knows and understands discipline-specific content and pedagogy.
• Places knowledge in a broader context and integrates it with other content areas.
• Seeks out and uses innovative, content-appropriate teaching methods.
Learner-Centered Pedagogy
• Understands how students learn.
• Facilitates inquiry-based learning and authentic assessment.
• Creates a learning environment that helps students build on prior knowledge.
• Uses technology in an ethical, critical and competent manner as a means to acquire, provide, organize and communicate knowledge.
Informed Reflective Practice
• Draws on research, theory and multiple fields of knowledge for the development of curriculum, pedagogy and educational programs.
• Employs the iterative process of action, observation and reflection as the basis of improving practice.
• Uses multiple sources of data to plan, revise and enact curriculum and education programs.
Ethical and Culturally Responsive Practices
• Exemplifies the highest ethical standards of the teaching profession.
• Values richness of human differences and understands the implications of these differences in a socially stratified society.
• Adapts assessment, pedagogy and educational programs to individual differences, with particular attention to those differences that reflect social
Professional Collaboration
• Understands the role of other professional educators.
• Demonstrates leadership for educating all children in collaboration with educators, agencies, families and communities.
• Values and demonstrates commitment to ongoing professional development.
During capstone student teaching experiences, teacher candidates are assessed in domains related to the above values and behaviors, specifically in domains of teaching related to content knowledge, implementation of strategies to ensure teaching for learning, establishing effective learning environments and commitment to professional practice. These domains are themselves connected to the strategic directions of Kent State University seeking to:
• Create innovations in learning.
• Engage the world.
• Focus on those we serve.
• Build and sustain partnerships.
Preparation for work in schools as teachers includes acquiring knowledge, skills and dispositions that will help all students learn. The teacher education program consists of coursework and experiences that promote and assess candidates in these three areas. The conceptual framework provides the basis of a coherent program of studies consisting of coursework and experiences in the following areas: liberal education, subject matter to be taught, professional education and field experiences culminating in student teaching.
Liberal education coursework in arts and sciences constitutes approximately 30 percent of the total program of study. The Liberal Education Requirement (36-37 semester hours of coursework) is designed to broaden intellectual perspectives, foster ethical and humanitarian values and prepare students for responsible citizenship and productive careers. For teachers, this is important preparation for teaching in a complex, global society.
Teacher candidates focus on coursework in the subject(s) they will teach. The amount and scope of the coursework depends on the grade levels of the licensure and accreditation standards. Subject matter coursework also is aligned with the Ohio Content Standards for kindergarten through 12th-grade students.
Professional education coursework consists of required foundational coursework in educational technology, educational psychology, special education and education in a democratic society. In addition, teacher candidates take methods coursework in the subjects they will teach and complete field experiences with diverse groups of students, culminating in student teaching. Teacher candidates are responsible for arranging their schedules to accommodate the field experience requirements and for providing transportation to and from the school sites.
In accordance with the conceptual framework that explicitly values diversity in teacher preparation, teacher candidates are required to participate in field experiences and clinical practice within the partnership districts. These experiences include working with students with exceptionalities and students from diverse backgrounds, including, but not limited to, students with ethnic, racial, gender, linguistic and socioeconomic differences. Experiences with diversity are linked to course-related field experiences.
The teacher education programs at Kent State University are fully accredited through the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE).
Other Programs For Teacher Licensure
M.A.T. Program: Early Childhood Education
This Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) program is designed for exceptionally qualified persons who possess at least a baccalaureate degree in a discipline other than teacher education and seek initial licensure for teaching children age three through grade three. Admission to this 18-month, full-time program is highly selective. Information can be obtained from the early childhood faculty in 404 White Hall, 330-672-2580. The Praxis II is required for licensure. Information can be obtained from the web site www.ehhs.kent.edu/oss.
M.A.T. Program: Adolescence/Young Adult
The holder of a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate content area may also receive Adolescence to Young Adult teacher licensure upon selection into and completion of the M.A.T. (Master of Arts in Teaching) program. This is a full-time program with a minimum of 44-45 hours and is designed to be completed in a summer plus two semesters. Upon completion of the program, students will receive a master’s degree and are eligible to apply for teacher licensure. The Praxis II is required for licensure. Information can be obtained from the web site www.ehhs.kent.edu/oss.
M.A. in Exercise, Leisure and Sport: Physical Education Teacher Licensure
The Master of Arts degree is offered in teacher education in physical education. Credit hours required for the degree vary from 32 to 40 hours. For course-specific listings and complete program requirements, please visit the web site www.ehhs.kent.edu/pep/masters.cfm. Students select either a thesis or nonthesis option in the chosen concentration. Students expecting to pursue doctoral study are strongly encouraged to select a thesis option. The Praxis II is required for licensure.
Requirements For Admission To Advanced Study
Admission to advanced study is required of all teacher education majors and minors prior to enrolling in upper-division education courses. Please note: Admission to advanced study is not required for students pursuing community health, educational studies, educational interpreter, speech pathology and audiology or career technical teacher education trade and industry (the latter applies only to those who obtained initial licensure through the Route B Education Licensure Program [teachers recruited from business and industry]).
Briefly, the professional requirements consist of the following items:
College Writing
Students are required to attain minimum C (2.00) grade in each freshman writing course (integrated language arts majors must attain minimum B [3.00] grade).
Grade Point Average
All students must show evidence of a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA.
Adolescence to Young Adult Content Area Grade Point Average
A 2.60 GPA in the chosen adolescence to young adult content area is required for admission to advanced study, for student teaching and for graduation. A minimum C (2.00) grade is required in each course within the content area. The following majors are affected: earth science, integrated language arts, integrated mathematics, integrated science, integrated social studies, life science, life science/chemistry and physical science. This requirement is effective for students entering an adolescence to young adult program as of Fall Semester 1995.
Intervention Specialist Grade Point Average
A 3.00 GPA in the professional coursework is required for admission to advanced study, student teaching and graduation. The following intervention specialist majors are affected: deaf education, educational interpreter, gifted education and mild/moderate and moderate/intensive needs.
Education Minors Content Area Grade Point Average
Students in a program eligible to declare an education minor must achieve a certain minimum GPA in their content area in order to declare an education minor, be admitted to advanced study, participate in student teaching and be recommended for licensure. The following majors require a 2.75 content GPA for the preceding activities: foreign language education, physical education, dance education, music education and art education. Students in the art education program must achieve a cumulative GPA of a 2.75.
Faculty Advisor
Each student must have a faculty advisor assigned in the appropriate program area.
Advising Sheet
All students must have an advising sheet on file in 304 White Hall during the freshman year. The advising sheet is a formal evaluation of the students’ progress toward a degree program. This may be accomplished by appointment with an academic advisor or by requesting an advising sheet by mail. The request form can be accessed through the Vacca Office of Student Services’ Web site at www.ehhs.kent.edu/OSS/.
Professional Education Agreements
The College of Education, Health, and Human Services, under the auspices of the Ohio Department of Education (Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.31), requires affirmation of the moral character of its students. Students are required to electronically sign all four professional education statements at www.ehhs.kent.edu/stuportal. Falsification of information is grounds for dismissal and non-licensure.
Pre-advanced Study Coursework
Minimum of C or better in EDPF 29535 Education in a Democratic Society and C or better in one of the following:
* | ITEC | 19525 | Educational Technology |
* | EDPF | 29525 | Educational Psychology |
SPED | 23000 | Introduction to Exceptionalities |
*Prerequisite is EDPF 29535 Education in a Democratic Society.
A minimum grade of C (2.00) or better must be earned in all of the above courses for all teacher licensure programs.
The following courses must be completed with minimum C (2.00) grade for early childhood, middle childhood and intervention
specialist majors ONLY:
MATH 14001 Basic Math Concepts I
MATH 14002 Basic Math Concepts II
Early childhood and middle childhood majors are required to complete additional pre-advanced study courses with specified minimum grades. These majors should refer to the advising sheets for the course information.
Standardized Testing
All teacher education majors and minors are required to demonstrate basic competencies in reading, writing and mathematics before progressing in a degree program. Students are required to take the Praxis I if they have not adequately demonstrated the competencies through the ACT, SAT and/or COMPASS exams.
Students may take the written or computer-based version of Praxis I. Information regarding Praxis I is available in the Vacca Office of Student Services, 304 White Hall, in the student services offices of the Regional Campuses and on the Vacca Office of Student Services’ Web site: www.ehhs.kent.edu/OSS/. The specific competencies are listed below:
Effective Fall 2009
Students must satisfy one of the following options:
• ACT reading score of 26
• SAT verbal score of 620
• COMPASS reading score of 93
• Praxis I reading score of 175
Students must satisfy one of the following options:
• ACT English score of 25
• COMPASS writing score of 92
• Praxis I writing score of 173
Students must satisfy one of the following options:
• ACT math score of 25
• SAT math score of 620
• Praxis I math score of 174
Effective Spring 2010
Students must satisfy one of the following options:
• ACT reading score of 26
• SAT verbal score of 620
• COMPASS reading score of 93
• Praxis I reading score of 174
Students must satisfy one of the following options:
• ACT English score of 25
• COMPASS writing score of 92
• Praxis I writing score of 172
Students must satisfy one of the following options:
• ACT math score of 25
• SAT math score of 620
• Praxis I math score of 174
Please note: Students must have all passing standardized test scores on file in 304 White Hall prior to submission of application for admission to advanced study.
Please note: The COMPASS placement test is administered to all incoming first-year students during the Destination Kent State: Advising and Registration program. It is taken solely for placement into freshman-level courses and cannot be taken for any other purpose.
Application for Admission to Advanced Study
Upon completion of 30-60 hours of coursework, students should have satisfied the prerequisites for admission to advanced study. Students must complete an application for advanced study and submit it to 304 White Hall by the second Friday of the term during which all prerequisites for advanced study will be completed. The application must be submitted at least one semester before the term you plan to start upper-division professional coursework. Applications are available on the Vacca Office of Student Services’ Web site at www.ehhs.kent.edu/OSS/. Teacher education majors and minors must be officially admitted to advanced study to take upper-division professional coursework.
Additional Requirements for Selective Programs
To manage enrollment and deliver high-quality programs, the faculty will select the most qualified applicants for admission based upon evaluation of standardized test scores, academic success (cumulative GPA) at Kent State and other specific program criteria. The following programs are considered selective:
Early Childhood Education
Middle Childhood Education
Adolescence/Young Adult Education
Gifted Education Intervention Specialist
Information is available through the program area, Regional Campuses and on the Vacca Office of Student Services’ Web site at www.ehhs.kent.edu/OSS . Passing standardized test scores must be on file in 304 White Hall prior to submission of application for admission to advanced study. Requirements for admission to advanced study vary by Catalog year. Information specific to each major is available at www.ehhs.kent.edu.
For field experience, student teaching and any culminating internship in teacher education that requires candidates to be placed within a school or agency ("school/agency") setting, the college requires candidates to complete Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification (BCII) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background check and submit the results to authorized personnel at their assigned "school/agency" before the beginning of the field experience or the first day of the semester in which student teaching/internship will take place. Authorized "school/agency" personnel will determine whether a candidate may participate in fieldwork in that setting. The BCII and FBI background checks are good for one year and are mandatory for licensure application. Electronic fingerprinting is available for BCII and FBI in 221 White Hall and should be completed at least two months prior to field experience/ student teaching/culminating internship. Regional campus students should contact their Regional Campus coordinator to identify fingerprinting availability at each campus. Candidates are responsible for fees incurred for this requirement. For more information on this policy, contact the Director of Clinical Field Experience in 304 White Hall. Visit the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Web site http://ode.state.oh.us for more information about background check requirements for educators in Ohio. Contact the Office of Professional Conduct at the ODE for specific information about the results of the background check.
Personal-Professional Characteristics
Professional dispositions are values, commitments and professional ethics that influence behavior toward students, families, colleagues and communities. Learning to become a professional is far more complex than merely completing a sequence of college
courses. A major component of professional teacher education (in both the KSU classroom and field-based setting), thus, includes the development of professionalism, personal qualities and work ethic.
Professionalism refers to a commitment to working with a diversity of children, youth and their families in appropriate ways to foster student learning. Professionalism includes treating others fairly and respectfully. It means being open to a variety of learning situations, maintaining confidentiality, aspiring to high ethical standards and making professional judgments that are grounded in research-based theory and practice. It means projecting an appearance and demeanor appropriate to professional settings while in those settings.
Personal qualities related to professionalism include approaching situations with a sense of inquiry, seeking leadership opportunities in the classroom, accepting responsibility, using discretion in self-disclosure, actively engaging with others to promote learning and being willing to work with a diversity of learners. It also means the ability to work collegially with others.
Work ethic is evidenced by attendance, punctuality, timely completion of work and observance of policies and procedures.
The College of Education, Health, and Human Services has developed a process by which teacher candidates receive regular feedback on their dispositions and an opportunity to show growth in areas that are considered important to teaching. Assessment of student professionalism will be used in making decisions about student progress throughout a teacher education program, including admission to advanced study and student teaching, completion of student teaching and recommendation for licensure.
Interruption Of Progress Toward Completion Of Advanced Study Coursework
Students who do not satisfactorily complete 12 semester hours at Kent State University in two calendar years must satisfy the requirements of the most recent Catalog. Please be aware that selective admission programs may require reapplication if postponing advanced study coursework or if withdrawn for one year or more.
Due Process
Procedures have been established so that students who wish to appeal an academic decision may do so. Any formal appeal must be initiated in writing through the appropriate department chairperson or school director. If satisfaction is not obtained at the department or school level, appeals are reviewed by the associate dean for undergraduate student services. For more information, please see policy number 3342-8-06 of the University Policy Register (administrative policy and procedures for student complaints).
The Kent State University Ombuds is available to students who wish to obtain further information regarding academic appeals procedures. The Office of the Ombuds is located in 250 KSC, 330-672-9494.
Student Teaching
It is critical that all teacher candidates apply for student teaching online at www.ehhs.kent.edu/oss by the deadlines established by the Vacca Office of Student Services, 304 White Hall. Student teaching applications must be completed one full year before student teaching is anticipated. For fall candidates, the deadline is the sixth Friday of the fall semester and for spring candidates, the sixth Friday of the spring semester. Adolescent to Young Adult (ADED) majors must apply a year and a half in advance; the deadline is the sixth Friday of the fall semester. ADED student teaching is a full-year internship including a fall practicum and spring student teaching.
Deadlines for applications must be observed carefully or student teaching will be delayed a semester or year, depending on the program area. Any questions about specific program requirements should be referred to candidates’ faculty advisors and/or advisors in 304 White Hall.
Once the application is submitted online, all coursework, GPA, disposition standards and other criteria as specified by the program area and college are reviewed for candidate eligibility for student teaching. Please refer to program course requirement sheets for specific GPA and other program requirements. For clarification, see faculty advisors and/or advisors in 304 White Hall.
After receiving written notification of tentative eligibility for student teaching, teacher candidates must attend one mandatory meeting to discuss additional student teaching information and necessary materials. The teacher candidate placement forms must be returned on or before the announced deadline. Failure to attend the mandatory meeting may result in a delay of student teaching.
The decision concerning placement sites for teacher candidates is the responsibility of the Vacca Office of Student Services. Placements are generally made within a 50-mile radius of the Kent Campus. Some placements are available in the Regional Campus areas. All teacher candidates are responsible for their own housing and transportation. In addition, student teaching requires that all teacher candidates follow the cooperating teachers’ schedules and devote full-time effort to this final experience in their teacher education program.
Teacher Licensure
Praxis II Examinations
To become licensed in the state of Ohio, students must successfully complete the required portions of the Praxis II Examinations. For specific testing requirements for each program area, see the web site www.ehhs.kent.edu/oss. These include the test of Principles of Learning and Teaching and appropriate specialty area test(s). Minimum cutoff scores have been established by the Ohio Department of Education and must be achieved for Kent State University to recommend students for licensure.
The Praxis II exams are offered several times each year on the Kent Campus. Students may also arrange to take the exams at any other authorized testing site and have their scores sent to the Kent Campus, Vacca Office of Student Services. Registration must be completed five weeks prior to the test date. Information about testing requirements, test dates, fees and locations can be obtained from the Vacca Office of Student Services, 304 White Hall, and the Web site: www.ehhs.kent.edu/OSS/, or from Educational Testing Services at www.ets.org/praxis.
There is a substantial fee for the Praxis II tests. It is suggested that when applying for financial aid, these costs be included in
estimated educational expenses. It is very important that students prepare in advance for these tests. Sample question guides, “Tests at a Glance,” are available on the Educational Testing Services Web site linked with the Vacca Office of Student Services Web site: www.ehhs.kent.edu/OSS/. Additional guides for some tests can be purchased through Educational Testing Services.
Provided satisfactory scores have been achieved on the Praxis II Examinations, graduates of teacher education programs in the
College of Education, Health, and Human Services are eligible for recommendation for the appropriate Ohio license.
All individuals applying for initial licensure will also be required to complete a fingerprint check with the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII) and an FBI record check. Electronic fingerprinting is available for BCII and FBI in 221 White Hall.
Recommendation for licensure by the College of Education, Health, and Human Services and clearance of record checks by BCII and FBI will result in the issuance of the appropriate license through the Ohio Department of Education.
Procedures for Licensure
It is recommended that students obtain a licensure packet prior to student teaching in 304 White Hall and return it there one month prior to graduation with the appropriate fee. Fingerprints should be on file with BCII and FBI and are good for one year.
Teaching licenses will not be processed by the Ohio Department of Education in Columbus until students have successfully completed the Praxis II Examinations and have been cleared for graduation.
Once the licenses have been processed in Columbus, including the record check by BCII and FBI, they will be forwarded immediately to the recipients—approximately four to six weeks after being processed by 304 White Hall.
If documentation is requested by a school system prior to students’ receipt of the teaching license, a letter of completion will be issued by the Vacca Office of Student Services, 304 White Hall.
Students are encouraged to register with the Career Services Center and take advantage of the free, full-time employment service that offers on-campus interview opportunities, a referral network and access to Web job listings. Additional information can be found on the Career Services Center’s Web site at www.kent.edu/career.