Desktop Publishing [C104]
Desktop publishing is a natural and popular extension of word processing, and its appeal is widespread. The desktop publishing certificate program addresses the needs of not only office professionals, but also of individuals who believe they would like to start their own publishing business from home and individuals who simply enjoy being creative as a hobby. Most publishing tasks such as newsletters, directories, business cards, flyers, reports, forms, brochures, pamphlets, manuals, invitations, announcements, advertisements, and catalogs can now be done quickly and professionally in-house by people with modest levels of training and expertise rather than by expensive career professionals.
Course requirements for desktop publishing certificate (15 credits):
COMT | 11000 | Introduction to Computer Systems |
3 |
ITAP | 16620 | Word Processing I |
3 |
16621 | Word Processing II |
3 |
26622 | Desktop Publishing I |
3 |
26623 | Desktop Publishing II |
3 |
Total |
15 |
Students must satisfy the prerequisies, if any, of each course in the program by either (a) competing the prerequisite courses, or (b) demonstrating to an information technology for administrative professionals faculty member that they have otherwise met the prerequisites. Students must complete a minimum of 15 hours of coursework at Kent State University. Transfer credits may be used provided a letter grade appears on original transcript.