Advanced Internet Certificate [C101]
This certificate program provides students with an advanced background in application development for the Internet/World Wide Web. The focus is on hands-on experience with some theoretical foundations.
Course requirements for advanced internet certificate (24 credits):
COMT | 11009 | Computer Assembly and Configuration |
4 |
21002 | Network Setup and Configuration |
4 |
21005 | Visual Basic Database Programming |
4 |
TECH | 36310 | Multimedia Development Tools |
3 |
36336 | Web Scripting II |
3 |
46311 | Technology of Networking |
3 |
46321 | Web Database Integration |
3 |
Total |
24 |
Students must satisfy the prerequisites, if any, of all courses in the program by either completing the prerequisite course or demonstrating to a Computer Technology faculty member that they have otherwise met the prerequisite. Transfer credits may be used only if letter grades appear on original transcript. Student must maintain at least a 2.00 GPA in all courses to receive the certificate. Courses may not be taken on a pass/fail basis or via credit-by-exam. Students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours at Kent State University.