College of Technology
119 Van Deusen Hall
Tel: 330-672-2892
Fax: 330-672-2894
Aeronautics major (B.S.)
The programs offered under the Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics consist of five separate areas of concentration: aeronautical studies, aeronautical systems engineering technology, air traffic control, aviation management and flight technology. All five programs lead to a Bachelor of Science with a major in Aeronautics. The Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics is accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI).
Requirements for Admission for High School Students into the Aeronautics Programs
Admission to the residential Kent Campus is selective, while the Regional Campuses offer open admission. Admission to the aeronautics programs is limited and highly selective. Only students who have earned a 2.25 high school cumulative GPA are considered for admission. Students must complete one semester with a 2.50 cumulative GPA prior to admission into the aeronautical systems engineering technology, air traffic control, aviation manage3ment of flight technology concentrations and prior to commencing flight training courses.
New students applying to the B.S. in aeronautics program who have not yet completed one semester with a 2.50 cumulative GPA are admitted directly into the aeronautical studies concentration.
Requirements for Admission for Transfer Students
Only transfer students with minimum 2.25 GPA are considered for admission. This GPA is based upon a minimum 24 semester hours of college-level work. (Students with fewer than 24 semester credit hours are considered with the high school student pool.)
Requirements for Admission from Another Program
Students already enrolled at Kent State University who desire to change majors to the aeronautics programs must apply on the appropriate form to the Student Services Office, College of Technology. Minimum 2.25 GPA is required to change majors to the aeronautics program. All applications must include official transcripts showing all previously completed coursework.
Flight Course Completion
Students must complete all flight courses by the end of the semester following that in which they enrolled. In other words, if a student enrolls in a course in the fall, they must complete the course no later than the end of the following spring semester. This requirement is subject to waiver by the director of aeronautics. In the absence of an authorized waiver, students who fail to complete any flight course by the end of the subsequent semester after course enrollment will receive a failing grade (F) and a complete forfeiture of the balance of the flight fees. Students who wish a refund of flight fees are required to withdraw from their flight course by the withdrawal deadlines established by the Office of the University Registrar. Flight fees will be refunded in accordance with the University policy regarding student fee refunds, policy number 3342-7-06.
Comprehensive Exit Exam
All students must successfully complete the comprehensive exit exam requirement prior to graduation with the B.S. in Aeronautics. Exit exam requirements are to be satisfied by all graduation candidates no later than the eighth week of the semester of intended graduation. The exit exams shall be offered during the fourth and eighth weeks of the fall and spring semesters. Students who fail will be allowed to retake the exit exams. An overall passing grade of 70 is required. Students who transfer into the aeronautics program and receive academic credit for core areas are still responsible for taking the exam in its entirety.
Aeronautical Studies Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

Aeronautical Studies Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

The aeronautical studies concentration prepares students for entry-level technological positions in aviation and related areas. Although focused on a fundamental foundation of aeronautically related subjects, the program also provides a significant number of course electives that allow students to explore other areas of interest or earn a minor in a particular area of study. It is well suited for those entering the program with previous flight experience.
Aeronautical Systems Engineering Technology—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

The aeronautical systems engineering technology concentration prepares students to enter the field of aeronautical engineering as technologists with educational experience in the practical application of theoretical principles. This concentration stresses subjects associated with advanced propulsion, materials and structure, and aircraft design. Students entering this program should have an extensive background in high school mathematics and science.
Air Traffic Control Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

Air Traffic Control Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

The air traffic control concentration in aeronautics is structured to prepare students for professional work in air traffic control and management. As part of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) program, the concentration provides practical simulation-based training in air traffic control that enables the students to work as air traffic controllers and managers in the National Airspace System.
Students who successfully complete all degree requirements for this program are awarded a Bachelor of Science with a major in Aeronautics and a concentration in air traffic control.
Aviation Management Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

Aviation Management Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

The aviation management concentration prepares students for entry-level positions in aviation and other aviation-related professional fields. This course of study combines technical and aeronautical courses with courses in management and information systems. Students entering this program should have a technical interest, mathematical proficiency and an ability to develop analytical and communicative capabilities. Students in this concentration also receive a minor in Computer Information Systems from the College of Business Administration.
Flight Technology Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

Flight Technology Concentration—2009-2010 Roadmap [Degree Requirements]

The flight technology program, designed for students who aspire to become professional pilots, provides preparation for careers in flight operations. This concentration stresses subjects associated with flight systems, propulsion, structures and electronics. Students entering this program should have a strong desire for excellence in aviation, as well as the flying skills required of a professional pilot.