Admission Requirements for Transfer Students
At least a 2.50 overall transfer GPA is required for admission to all College of Business Administration majors except economics and marketing. The economics major requires a minimum 2.25 transfer GPA. Marketing will admit up to 150 students to the major each fall, including transfer students, using a target GPA of at least 2.50. Transfer students with less than a 2.50 (2.25 for economics) GPA may seek admission to another Kent State college. After completing a minimum of 12 credit hours at Kent State University, with a minimum 2.50 (2.25 for economics) GPA, transfer students are eligible for admission to the College of Business Administration.
Transfer students with 60 or more semester hours (or the equivalent) and less than a 2.50 (2.25 for economics) GPA (on a 4.00 scale) are not eligible to take junior- and/or senior-level business coursework. Proper advising is imperative. Transfer students are expected to receive advising prior to scheduling classes; failure to do so could result in a loss of credit hours.
Application of Transfer Credit
At Kent State University, the process for evaluation of transfer credit is a two-step procedure. First, potential transfer students send the Kent State Admissions Office an official copy of their college and/or university transcript(s). The students then will receive from the Kent State Admissions Office an Evaluation of Transfer Credit that indicates how coursework will transfer. Although coursework will be listed on the Evaluation of Transfer Credit, it does not imply that all coursework will be used toward the business degree. Therefore, the next step in this process requires that the students consult with an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Programs Office, 107 Business Administration Building, to determine the applicability of this transfer credit to the degree requirements of the College of Business Administration. (Students should bring their copy of the Evaluation of Transfer Credit, Catalog[s] and previous transcripts to this conference.) It is expected that transfer students consult an advisor prior to registering for coursework at Kent State, otherwise enrollment in courses is done at the students’ own risk.
Students attending other institutions who anticipate transferring to Kent State to pursue the B.B.A. are urged to consult the degree requirements in this Catalog and to correspond with an academic advisor. Students attending two-year institutions who anticipate transferring to Kent State to work toward the B.B.A. should, as closely as possible, take work at the two-year institution which is equivalent to the Pre-major Program course requirements. Failure to follow this plan of study may result in significant loss of credit applicable toward the B.B.A.
Validation of Transfer Credit
Transferred business coursework that is not considered to be directly applicable to Kent State coursework may be eligible for validation. Approved validation techniques include CLEP tests, Credit-By-Examination and/or successful completion of advanced coursework in the same subject field. (“Successful completion” is defined as minimum C [2.00] grade.) Please note that each of these options may not be available in all cases, and that students must qualify for validation opportunities based on the information below and on eligibility for the intended program. To determine the possibilities for validation, students are expected to meet with an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Programs Office.
Credit-By-Examination or CLEP tests to validate credit may be attempted by students transferring into the college with approval from the appropriate department provided the testing is an option.
Another validation option is open only to transfer students who have a cumulative transfer GPA of at least 2.50 and a grade of C (2.00) or better in the course in question. To validate accounting courses, a minimum grade of B (3.00) may be required for advanced accounting courses and a minimum C (2.00) in all others. This option is contingent upon an advanced course being available. Students seeking to employ this option should consult with an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Programs Office before attempting to validate their transfer credit in this manner. The assistant dean must approve in advance all arrangements to validate transfer credit. In all cases, a catalog description, a course syllabus, and the name of the text and author are required for adequate review of the validation request.