Professional Organizations for Students
The college recognizes many diverse honoraries and professional organizations for students. These organizations are active in sponsoring numerous activities and programs of interest and value to students across the university. Participation as a member in one or more of these organizations enables one to meet other young men and women with similar career aspirations and goals. A partial listing of these groups includes:
ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION—Professional organization in accounting. Open to all students interested in accounting.
ALPHA MU ALPHA—National honorary society in marketing.
AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION—Student chapter of the American Marketing Association. Open to all interested students.
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY—Student chapter of ASQ. Open to all interested students.
APICS: EDUCATION SOCIETY FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT— Student chapter. Open to all interested students.
BETA ALPHA PSI—National honorary society in accounting.
BETA GAMMA SIGMA—National scholastic honorary society in all fields of business administration.
BUSINESS PRESIDENTS’ ROUNDTABLE—An organization serving as a liaison between member organizations and deans of the College of Business Administration and the university community.
COLLEGIATE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION—Professional student organization that promotes contributions by minorities in the field of business.
DELTA SIGMA PI—National professional fraternity in commerce and business administration.
ECONOMICS CLUB—Professional student organization to promote extracurricular activities in the field of economics.
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION—Professional student organization to promote extracurricular activities in the field of finance.
KENT STATE CREDIT UNION—Student volunteers manage and operate Kent State’s student credit union providing financial services to Kent State students, alumni and student organizations.
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION—Professional student organization to promote computer science.
OMICRON DELTA EPSILON—National honor society in economics.