Student Leadership Awards and Scholarships
A partial listing of these include:
ADVERTISING CLUB OF AKRON SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to a marketing major.
AKRON CHAPTER OF APICS: THOMAS KELTY SCHOLARSHIP— Presented annually to an outstanding junior majoring in operations management.
ALBERT MILES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP—Awarded annually to a College of Business Administration sophomore or junior with demonstrated financial need.
ALUMNI COUNCIL LEADERSHIP AWARDS—Presented annually to outstanding upper-division students based on demonstrated leadership and significant involvement in college, university and community organizations.
ANGELO AND JOYCE KINICKI BOOK SCHOLARSHIP—A book award presented to College of Business Administration students with high scholastic ability.
ARDEN L. ALLYN CUP—Presented annually to a senior in the College of Business Administration on the basis of scholastic accomplishment and demonstrated leadership in student organizations.
BARRY AND JO ANN FETTERMAN SCHOLARSHIPS—Awarded annually to College of Business Administration majors.
BETA GAMMA SIGMA AWARD—Presented annually to the College of Business Administration junior with the highest GPA.
BRIAN KENT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN ECONOMICS—Presented to a senior economics major.
CHRISTOPHER AND STEPHANIE MARINAC SCHOLARSHIP—Awarded annually to a College of Business Administration major with demonstrated financial need.
CLEVELAND CHAPTER SOCIETY OF CPCU SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to a finance or marketing major with high scholastic ability and an interest in insurance.
DANIEL R. AND KATHERINE S. LEE SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to an incoming freshman with high scholastic ability and demonstrated financial need.
DANIEL L. AND ROSEMARY L. RHODES SCHOLARSHIP—Awarded to a junior or senior business major who has demonstrated leadership and service to Kent State University and the surrounding community.
DELTA SIGMA PI SCHOLARSHIP KEY—Presented annually to one of the two graduating seniors in the College of Business Administration with the highest academic average for four years.
FINANCIAL EXECUTIVES INSTITUTE AWARD—Presented annually to the outstanding business student majoring in either finance or accounting and who has indicated a career objective as a financial executive.
THE GARY M. GALE MARKETING SCHOLARSHIP—Awarded to a junior or senior marketing major enrolled full-time with at least a 3.00 overall GPA who has demonstrated leadership and service.
THE INTERNATIONAL MATERIAL MARKETING SOCIETY–L. HILLIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to a marketing major who has an interest in transportation, logistics and materials management and who has high scholastic ability.
JB MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP—Awarded annually to a College of Business Administration major who has demonstrated leadership and service with demonstrated financial need.
JIM AND NANCY ARTHUR SCHOLARSHIP—Awarded to an incoming freshman with good scholastic standing. Preference is given to Kent Roosevelt graduates.
THE KENNETH NIEMANN SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to either an accounting or finance major with high scholastic ability.
THE NANCY MARTIN BECKWITH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to the marketing major with high scholastic ability.
THE OAK RUBBER SCHOLARSHIP—Presented annually to an incoming freshman based on merit and need. Primary recipients are sons and daughters of current or retired employees of the Oak Rubber Co. or graduates of Ravenna High School.
R. ELAINE WYLIE HAUGHT AND MARVIN B. HAUGHT SCHOLARSHIP—Awarded annually to a College of Business Administration major.
SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (Northeast Ohio Chapter) SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to a computer information systems major with high scholastic ability.
THE ROBERT WEBER SCHOLARSHIP—Presented to an incoming freshman with high scholastic ability. Primary consideration given to graduates of Lakewood High School. Other awards and scholarships are presented by the various academic departments.