Academic Advising
Academic Advising benefits students by partnering them with professional and faculty advisors who can be intellectual mentors, advisors and advocates. The professional advisors in the Undergraduate Programs Office (Room 107 BSA, 330-672-2872) are the primary advisors for the College of Business Administration students. Advisors not only guide students through their academic program(s), but they also guide them in meaningful investigation and choices for learning opportunities outside the classroom. These opportunities include relevant career/major exploration via student group/club activity, campus and community service and activities, leadership development, national and study abroad opportunities, relevant internship experiences and more. All students are encouraged to connect with their advisor(s) each semester to maximize their learning experiences and to optimally achieve their program goals and requirements.
All new freshmen and transfer students (with less than 24 semester hours) are assigned to their first-year advisor and must register in the First Year Experience FLASH Point course, which orients them to the College of Business Administration expectations, requirements and resources. Students who select one of the college's Learning Communities or Freshman Interest Groups additionally are connected to a fellowship of similarly interested students to share learning opportunities and experiences.
Academic Processes
Freshmen and transfer students are admitted to the pre-major program, which encompasses the first two years of study within the College of Business Administration. All business administration students are required to satisfy the 36-hour minimum requirement as outlined in the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and complete 6 credit hours of diversity coursework .
During the second year of study—after completion of at least 46 semester hours—students who wish to be considered for advanced business status in the college should apply for conditional admission with the help of an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Programs Office. Admission to the advanced program is not automatic but is based upon admissions criteria set by the dean of the college. Admission is based on satisfactory completion of a specified number of credit hours, a specific core of courses and a specified GPA. (See Advanced Business Program, Admission Requirements.)
Seniors in the advanced business program of the college must obtain an application for graduation from the Undergraduate Programs Office. Deadlines for graduation application are:
- December graduation—March 15
- May graduation—September 15
- August graduation—December 15
Assistance and information about college and university policies and procedures may be obtained from the Undergraduate Programs Office. Ignorance of the correct policies or procedures is not grounds for an exception to these rules.