Susanna Fein and Isolde Thyrêt, Coordinators
113 G Satterfield and 305 Bowman
Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Minor
The program in ancient, medieval and Renaissance studies offers a culturally comparative minor in which the distance of time lends profound diversity from present experience. The program allows students to explore the origins and development of Western culture as defined across continents, religions and civilizations, through a range of disciplines (anthropology, architecture, art, fashion, history, language, literature, music, philosophy and theatre). The program’s flexibility encourages students to pursue specific interests, for example, early religion, high medieval culture, classical influences upon the Renaissance or Byzantine culture.
Students earning a minor in AMRS take a total of 21 semester hours—6 lower-division credit hours and 15-16 upper-division credit hours—in at least three disciplines. No more than 6 credit hours counted toward the major may also be counted toward the minor. There is no specific language requirement, but students are encouraged to select a language that could be used to satisfy
Course requirements for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Minor (21-22):
Lower-Division Electives | 6 | ||||
Must be selected from two disciplines | |||||
ANTH | 18210 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 3 | ||
18420 | Introduction to Archaeology | 3 | |||
ARCH | 10011 | Survey of Architectural History I | 3 | ||
10012 | Survey of Architectural History II | 3 | |||
10111 | History of Architecture I | 3 | |||
20112 | History of Architecture II | 3 | |||
ARTH | 22006 | Art History I: Ancient and Medieval Art | 3 | ||
22007 | Art History II: Renaissance to Modern Art | 3 | |||
CLAS | 21404 | The Greek Achievement | 3 | ||
21405 | The Roman Achievement | 3 | |||
ENG | 21054 | Introduction to Shakespeare | 3 | ||
22071 | Great Books I | 3 | |||
25001 | Literature in English I | 3 | |||
HIST | 11050 | History of Civilization I (or HONR 13197) | 3 | ||
HONR | 13197 | Colloquium: The History of Civilization I (or HIST 11050) | 3 | ||
MUS | 32211 | Music History to 1750 | 3 | ||
PHIL | 21020 | Comparative Religious Thought I | 3 |
Upper-Division Electives | 15-16 | ||
Must be selected from three or more disciplines | |||
ANTH | 38250 | Religion: A Search for Meaning |
3 |
38420 | Prehistory: Urbanism |
3 | |
ARCH | 45210 | Renaissance Architecture |
3 |
45211 | Baroque Architecture |
3 | |
ARTH | 42031 | Greek Archaeology and Art (or CLAS 41401) |
3 |
42032 | Roman Archaeology and Art (or CLAS 41402) |
3 | |
42036 | Medieval Art |
3 | |
42039 | Gothic Art, 12th to 15th Centuries |
3 | |
42041 | Italian Renaissance Art |
3 | |
42042 | Northern Renaissance Art |
3 | |
42046 | Baroque Art of the 17th Century |
3 | |
42095 | Special Topics: High Renaissance Art |
3 | |
CLAS | 41006 | Roman History (or HIST 41006) |
3 |
41097 | Colloquium in Classics |
3 | |
41301 | Classical Mythology |
3 | |
41401 | Greek Archaeology and Art (or ARTH 42031) |
3 | |
41402 | Roman Archaeology and Art (or ARTH 42032) |
3 | |
41503 | Greek Literature in Translation |
3 | |
ENG | 31002 | History of the English Language |
3 |
34001 | Medieval English Literature |
3 | |
34002 | British Literature from 1500 to 1660 |
3 | |
34055 | Shakespeare |
3 | |
34065 | Chaucer |
3 | |
34095 | Special Topics: John Milton |
3 | |
35201 | The Bible as Literature |
3 | |
37001 | Classical Rhetoric |
3 | |
39995 | Special Topics: Arthurian Romance |
3 | |
GER | 41331 | History of German Literature |
4 |
GRE | 34350 | Advanced Prose Authors |
3 |
34351 | New Testament in Greek |
3 | |
34370 | Plato: Apology and Phaedo |
3 | |
34371 | Homer |
3 | |
44352 | Greek Drama |
3 | |
HIST | 31009 | History of the Byzantine Civilization |
3 |
31027 | History of England to 1688 |
3 | |
31127 | Ancient and Early Medieval Jewish History |
3 | |
31128 | Late Medieval and Modern Jewish History |
3 | |
41010 | The Early Middle Ages |
3 | |
41011 | The High Middle Ages |
3 | |
41014 | Europe in the Renaissance |
3 | |
41016 | The Protestant and Catholic Reformations |
3 | |
41017 | Seventeenth-Century Europe |
3 | |
41026 | Tudor England 1485-1603 |
3 | |
41044 | Imperial Russia, 1689-1917 |
3 | |
41097 | Colloquium: Saints, Monks and the Medieval Community |
3 | |
42397 | Colloquium: Women in Europe from Antiquity to the Renaissance |
3 | |
LAT | 36170 | Cicero |
3 |
36171 | Vergil |
3 | |
46095 | Special Topics in Latin |
3 | |
46351 | Latin Comedy |
3 | |
46352 | Elegaic Poets |
3 | |
46372 | Lyric Poetry |
3 | |
46373 | Advanced Prose Authors |
3 | |
46374 | Juvenal's Satires and Martial's Epigrams |
3 | |
46375 | Lucretius |
3 | |
MUS | 40295 | Special Topics: Madrigal Music |
3 |
40295 | Special Topics: Development of Polyphonic Mass |
3 | |
40295 | Special Topics: The Mass from Machaut to Palestrina |
3 | |
PHIL | 31001 | Ancient Greek Philosophy |
3 |
31002 | Medieval Philosophy |
3 | |
31065 | Philosophies of Religious Experience |
3 | |
41065 | Plato |
3 | |
41070 | Aristotle |
3 | |
SPAN | 38330 | Early Spanish Literature |
3 |
48340 | Medieval Spanish Poetry |
3 | |
48350 | Don Quixote |
3 | |
48351 | Minor Works of Cervantes |
3 | |
48352 | Medieval Spanish Prose |
3 | |
THEA | 31112 | History of Theatre and Drama I |
3 |
Total |
21-22 |
Appropriate specialized offerings may be substituted above as available with approval of the coordinator(s).
Minimum cumulative 2.00 GPA required for graduation.