Department of Pan-African Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
Oscar Ritchie Hall
Phone: 330-672-2300
Fax: 330-672-4837
African Studies Minor
The African studies program is designed to provide a broad familiarity with African history, culture and contemporary problems. Study in this program may be coordinated with relevant language study through Pan-African Studies. The African studies program requires successful completion of a minimum of 18 semester hours of coursework selected from the list given below; coursework must be completed in at least three academic disciplines.
Course Requirements for African studies minor (18 credits):
Choose from the following courses: | |||
ANTH | 38240 | Culture and Personality |
3 |
38250 | Religion: A Search for Meaning |
3 |
48410 | Prehistory: Eurasia and Africa |
3 |
48230 | Socio-Cultural Change |
3 |
ARTH | 42025 | Art of West Africa |
3 |
42026 | Art of Nigeria |
3 |
42027 | Art of Central Africa |
3 |
ECON | 32075 | Introduction to International Trade |
3 |
42075 | International Economic Relations |
3 |
42076 | Economic Development |
3 |
GEOG | 37040 | Geography of Africa |
3 |
HIST | 31130 | History of African Civilization |
3 |
41131 | History of Africa to 1880 |
3 |
41132 | History of Africa: 1880-Present |
3 |
41135 | History of West Africa |
3 |
MUS | 42111 | African Music and Cultures |
3 |
PAS | 10101 | Elementary Kiswahili I |
4 |
10102 | Elementary Kiswahili II |
4 |
13201 | Elementary Yoruba I |
4 |
13202 | Elementary Yoruba II |
4 |
22200 |
Introduction to African Arts |
3 |
23201 | Intermediate Yoruba I |
3 |
23202 | Intermediate Yoruba II |
3 |
42095 | Special Topics in the Literature of Pan-Africa |
3 |
POL | 30540 | African Politics |
3 |
Total |
18 |
Minimum cumulative 2.00 GPA required for graduation