AED-General [AEDG]

Because Kent State University is an "open admissions" university, students who meet the university standards are admitted to both the university and the college of their choice. This does not mean that the student has been directly admitted into the architecture, interior design or architectural studies programs unless specifically stated in the letter of acceptance. These students are designated AED-General [AEDG].

AED-Gs are assigned to freshman orientation classes with all College of Architecture and Environmental Design majors. These classes aid in understanding the broad range of career options within the environmental design professions. Students should take regular coursework in preparation to attempt entry into one of the College of Architecture and Environmental Design majors or may consider alternative degree program options. Students should meet with their advisor to aid in making a decision regarding their degree program and major. In order to move forward with a minimum loss of credit hours, it is strongly recommended that AED-G students, who were not accepted into a degree program, choose an alternate degree program within or outside the College prior to completing 45 credit hours.

AED-G Architecture

AED-G Interior Design

AED-G Architectural Studies


This page was last modified on August 20, 2009