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Graduate Philosophy (PHIL)

The minimum prerequisite for 50000-69999 level courses is graduate standing. Additional prerequisites may apply and are listed in this catalog.

50005 Health Care Ethics
Ethical problems in health care will be critically assessed. Student will consider how these specific ethical problems illuminate the ethical enterprise.

50093 Variable Title Workshop in Philosophy (1-6)
S/U grading.

51010 Problems in the Philosophy of Religion (3)
Philosophical examination of issues and problems presented by various writers in philosophy of religion.

51015 Philosophical Study of Religion (3)
A philosophical examination of pivotal issues, schools and theorists in the study of religion, and the future of comparative studies. This course pursues the academic study of religion at an advanced level.

51020 Social Philosophy (3)
Philosophical examination of theories of society as proposed by various writers.

51025 Philosophy of Law (3)
Critical examination of nature and function of law.

51030 Ethical Theories and Practices (3)
Intensive and in-depth study of some dimensions of philosophic traditions in ethics.

51035 Philosophy of Science (3)
Analysis of methodological problems in scientific disciplines.

51040 Theories of Knowledge (3)
Study of various problems in philosophic theories of knowledge, with some emphasis on current philosophic challenges to such theories.

51042 Topics in Metaphysics (3)
A philosophical examination of at least three issues in metaphysics with an emphasis on the historical debates that give rise to them and on their contemporary contexts.

51045 Metalogic (3)
Consideration of various metatheorems including soundness and completeness of propositional and predicate calculus, undecidability of predicate calculus and incompleteness of the theory of arithmetic.

51048 Metaethics (3)
Examination of the semantics, ontology and modes of justification employed in ethical theories.

51050 Philosophical Analysis (3)
Study of major problems in analytic philosophy and subsequent philosophical analysis.

51055 Phenomenology (3)
Investigation of phenomenological movement, its methods, and the scope and course of its applications, in philosophy and other disciplines.

51060 Pragmatism (3)
Detailed reading from classical American pragmatists along with some attention to later interpretations and exploration of current reappraisals and developments.

51065 Plato (3)
Detailed examination of selected Platonic dialogues, with some attention to Plato’s development and dismissal of certain pre-Socratic (and Socratic) themes.

51070 Aristotle (3)
Detailed examination of selected works of Aristotle, with some attention given to Aristotle’s development and dismissal of certain pre-Socratic and Platonic themes.

51076 Continental Philosophy (3)
Investigation of some figure, issue or theme in continental philosophy from Descartes to present.

51077 British and American Philosophy (3)
Detailed investigation of a figure or issue in British or American philosophy.

51080 Philosophy and Art in the Modern Age (3)
Exploring, with emphasis on the modern age, philosophical conceptions of art in their interplays with, especially, practicing artists’ attitudes toward theory. Prerequisite: philosophy (PHIL) or art (ART) major.

51085 Philosophy and Cultural Theory (3)
A discussion of the philosophical bases of aspects of cultural theory such as postcolonialism and the negritude movement.

51086 Philosophy of Expression (3)
Concentrated study of expression through philosophy of literature, of music, of body, of language and of symbols.

59995 Special Topics (3)
When content varies, may be repeated for credit.

59996 Individual Investigation (1-3)
S/U grading; IP permissible. Repeat registration permitted with departmental approval. Prerequisite: departmental approval before registration.

60191 Graduate Seminar (3-6)
Intensive primary-source reading and critical appreciation of the significant works of one or more philosophical figures or concerning one or more philosophical issues.

60201 Seminar: History of Philosophy (3)
Intensive primary-source reading and critical appreciation of the significant works of one or more historical philosophers (other than Plato or Aristotle) or one or more historical philosophical issues.

61050 Philosophy of Language (3)
(Cross-listed with ENG 6/75050) Critical examination of nature and function of language, especially in relation to mental function and development.

61055 Semeiotics (3)
(Cross-listed with ENG 6/75057 and MCLS 60020) An introduction to contemporary theories of semeiotics and to the application of those theories to linguistics, literature, translation and technology.

61056 Hermeneutics (3)
Critical appreciation of the theories and practices of interpretation comprehended according to certain classical, current, and emergent philosophic styles and traditions.

61075 Logical Theory (3)
Intensive study of issues concerning conceptual framework or presuppositions of logic; or challenges or alternatives to classical logic or to logic itself.

61084 Research Ethics (3)
Exploration of methodologies, the treatment of human and animal research subjects, responsible authorship practices and the role of the scientist in the moral community.

69194 College Teaching of Philosophy (1)
Discussion, critique and development of concepts to guide the teaching of philosophy including concepts of procedures and tactics for planning, pacing, presenting, representing and reviewing philosopic texts, figures and issues. S/U grading; IP permissible.

69199 Thesis I (2-6)
Thesis students must register for a total of 6 hours, 2 to 6 hours in a single semester, distributed over several semesters if desired. S/U grading; IP permissible. Prerequisite: departmental approval before registration.

69299 Thesis II (2)
Thesis students must continue registration each semester until all degree requirements are met. S/U grading; IP permissible. Prerequisite: PHIL 69199.

69995 Special Topics (3)
Selected topics in philosophy. Repeat registration permitted. Prerequisite: special approval.

69997 Colloquium (1)
Student, faculty and invited guests participate in conferencelike contexts to present and discuss issues of current philosophic interest. Repeat registration permitted. S/U grading; IP permissible.

69998 Research (1-15)
Research or individual investigation for master’s-level graduate students. Credits earned may be applied toward meeting degree requirements. Repeat registration permitted with departmental approval. S/U grading; IP permissible. Prerequisite: departmental approval before registration.