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Cultural Foundations (CULT)

20091 Preprofessional Seminar in Educational Studies (2-4)*
(Repeatable for credit) Introduction to the nature and scope of educational service delivery across settings and to the social and cultural foundations of educational policies and programs. Open to any university student and to those considering alternative careers in education. Prerequisite: none.

29535 Education in a Democratic Society (3)
Utilize readings, explore themes, broadly explore purposes of school in society and what knowledge, dispositions and performances are necessary to be a successful teacher today. Prerequisite: none.

32139 Introduction to the Philosophy of Education (2)
An introduction to the philosophical analysis of educational problems focusing on the goals of education and the school’s role in achieving these goals. Prerequisite: junior standing.

39595 Special Topics in Cultural Foundations (2-4)
(Repeatable for credit) Directed reading and/or research of special interest or need to small groups of students in cultural foundations. Planned with and directed by a faculty member. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.

39596 Individual Investigation in Cultural Foundations (1-3)
(Repeatable for credit) Directed independent reading and/or research of special interest or need in student program. Planned with and directed by a faculty member. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.

40093 Variable Title Workshop in Educational Foundations (1-4)
(Repeatable for credit) Variable topics; designed to respond to specialized needs of various groups within the context of trends, issues and problems in the educational foundations disciplines. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.

42150 Educational Dimensions of Leisure, Retirement and Aging (3)
An intensive inquiry into leisure and its potential for more fully optimizing development, and implications for educational practice both in school and nonschool settings. Prerequisite: junior standing or special approval of instructor.

49570 Social Foundations of Multicultural Education (3)
Analysis of historical, social and ideological forces which relate to current educational policies and practices in multicultural education. School and nonschool education programs will be analyzed. Prerequisite: junior standing.

*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.